The Story Of Chess
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After a steady stream of inventors, artists, and storytellers tried and failed, a man appeared with a box and a gameboard. So begins the story.The man explains how each piece moves, and why. For example, the king is all-powerful, so he can move in any direction. But because a ruler must be cautious, he can move only one square per turn. he animosity of the kings is so great that they can never occupy adjacent squares, and their importance is such that if a side loses its king, it has lost the war. Each piece is given similar treatment, as are such moves as check, checkmate, castling, and en passant. The highly individualistic illustrations help demonstrate the mechanics of the game explained in the text, and a more conventional board-and -piece icon on each page show that more literal interpretation of the move. Through an illustrated story of the creation of chess, this book provides narratives and visual devices for learning the game and remembering the moves.The Story of Chess will excite and teach children new to the game and will emphasize each piece's importance for those already familiar with the rules.

Hardcover: 45 pages

Publisher: Abbeville Kids; 1st edition (May 1, 1998)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0789202506

ISBN-13: 978-0789202505

Product Dimensions: 0.2 x 10.2 x 10.2 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.2 pounds

Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (9 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #708,311 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #38 in Books > Children's Books > Activities, Crafts & Games > Games > Board Games #3452 in Books > Children's Books > Classics #8766 in Books > Humor & Entertainment > Puzzles & Games

Age Range: 9 - 12 years

Grade Level: 4 - 6

Having never knew how to play the game, I actually learned how to play from this picturebook! Beautiful (and scary) illustrations! Unique unique unique! I love this book! Great for adults and kids!

If you are going to teach chess or would like your child to appreciate the game on a different level, read ( buy) this book. I have taught chess to young students and have used this book to reach all types of learning styles and foster an appreciation for the game. While the story line is fictional, the instruction on how to play the game is not. It allows the apprehensive beginner relate to the characters and the advanced player understand the game on a broadened level of thinking. I also use this book to teach two-three step problem solving, understand cause and effect, encourage peer coaching, introduce coordinates and map grids and how to lose/win respectfully.

The story of the game of chess is fascinating. This edition is beautifully illustrated. My five year old, his friends and teachers all enjoy it. I keep this book by my side as a tool in guiding us visually through the tactics. All ages and levels seem to enjoy Cardo's concepts.

The fascinating story of chess is beautifully illustrated. This year my five year old's friends are enjoying it, as is his teachers and family. Great for the novice or pro. The illustations work as a visual guide.

One of the teachers at my son's school, who runs the afterschool chess club, recommended this book to pique his curiosity. It has done the job admirably. He is now working on "Chess for Kids: How to play and win!". "The Story of Chess" is a very nicely illustrated place to start.

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