Saint Valentine
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How did Valentine's Day, one of our most popular holidays, begin? It started in ancient Rome when a kind physician named Valentine took an interest in a young blind girl. With his healing skill and his deep faith he restored her sight. What we now call Valentine's Day began when he sent the little girl a secret message, which she received after the Christian martyr was executed. For this tale rich in sentiment, master illustrator Robert Sabuda has created exquisite paper mosaics to suggest early Christian art that resonates with both subtlety and power.

Paperback: 32 pages

Publisher: Aladdin; Repackage ed. edition (January 1, 1999)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0689824297

ISBN-13: 978-0689824296

Product Dimensions: 8.4 x 0.2 x 10.2 inches

Shipping Weight: 4.8 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.7 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (43 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #138,465 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #13 in Books > Children's Books > Biographies > European #44 in Books > Children's Books > Biographies > Religious #126 in Books > Children's Books > Biographies > Science & Technology

Age Range: 4 - 7 years

Grade Level: Preschool - 2

I was just handed this attractive story about Saint Valentine by a 3rd & 4th grade teacher who is using it in her classroom as part of her Valentine's Day activities. I'm the librarian at a public elementary school, so I read through it quickly with great delight. Since we don't have it in our collection, it is one I hope we can acquire before Valentine's Day next year!While this story is about a saint of the Christian faith, the religious aspect of the story is toned down and not preachy. While Valentine's faith, and his role as a priest, are woven into the story, the text emphasizes his role as a physician and his relationship with the blind daughter of a Roman jailer who seeks healing. The "Notes on the text" at the end of the book explain Valentine's connection with the celebration of love.The warm colored mosaics, with their icon-like appearance, are a fitting complement to the text. This book is visually appealing, and both the size of text and word choice make it appropriate for primary and middle grade readers.It's my opinion that "Saint Valentine" would be a welcome addition to both school and church libraries, as well as in the collections of families who want to see historical, and saintly, figures like this come to life.

While we cannot be sure that the story of St. Valentine given here is true, due to the lack of historical data, Robert Sabuda gives a wonderful rendition of the St. Valentine legend as most Catholics know it. Kids love the story, the miracle, and the sacrifice that St. Valentine makes for his love of God. I've read it to first through fourth graders on several occasions. We then discuss faith legend, martyrdom and miracle at their age level. The illustrations are fabulous mosaics. I highly recommend this book to parents and teachers!

I am six years old, in 2nd grade (homeschool) and I read this book today. It's about how Valentine was a doctor and how he cares about people. Children will love this book because of his kindness and how he cares about other people. The pictures look like beautiful little stones. Children will learn a lot from this book.By Sky

Reading Level: 5.4*SPOILER ALERT*Valentine is a doctor who works for whatever his patient can afford which sometimes is nothing at all. However, he hides a dark secret: instead of following the Pope, he is a Priest of the Christian faith. One day, a jailer brings his blind daughter to him for assistance. Valentine refuses payment as he cannot guarantee that his treatment will work. His faith ultimately leads to his death when the Emperor orders that Christians be executed. The jailer comes to visit and says there is nothing he can do to help. He sends a letter home with him to his daughter that simply reads "from your Valentine" along with a Crocus. The child can see the flower for the first time and realizes she is cured. A historical note at the end of the story details the reason behind Valentine's death, his rise to Sainthood, and how the holiday came to be.My OpinionI am always leery of religious materials in the classroom but the religious aspect was more of a side note relating to the reason for his death rather than an emphasize of the book. The tile mosaic pictures are interesting and colorful. Due to its length, the book can be read in its entirety very quickly. 'I like lots of details and would have liked to see more in the story. I think this is a great read-aloud story for 1-3 graders; the vocabulary is too difficult for them to read on their own. When I read this with my 4&5 graders, they thought the story was merely okay. We used cut-up paint chips (free from Home Depot, etc) to create mosaic valentine pictures that came out cute as an extension to the story.

This is the perfect book to read your child. In it you read a story about Saint Valentine. It explains how he was a physician that lived in ancient Rome about two hundred years after Christ. That he was a very kind and giving man. He was a physician and a Christian priest at a time when they were persecuted.His faith and dedication is told as he treats his patients during the day and prays for them all night. The incident the author tells of Saint Valentine ministering to the small blind child is what is purported in this book to be the beginning of the giving of flowers on his feast day.This is a wonderfully told story.

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