Who Was Jesus?
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This fascinating addition to the best-selling Who Was...? series does not settle questions of theology. Instead, it presents young readers with a biography that covers what is known historically about Jesus and places in his life in the context of his world when Jerusalem was part of the Roman Empire. In an even-handed and easy-to-read narrative, this title—illustrated with eighty black-and-white drawings—also explains the early origins of Christianity and how it became a major religion.

Lexile Measure: 0640 (What's this?)

Series: Who Was...?

Paperback: 112 pages

Publisher: Grosset & Dunlap; Dgs edition (February 5, 2015)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0448483203

ISBN-13: 978-0448483207

Product Dimensions: 5.2 x 0.2 x 7.7 inches

Shipping Weight: 4 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (55 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #14,876 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #5 in Books > Children's Books > Geography & Cultures > Explore the World > Middle East #5 in Books > Children's Books > Biographies > Religious #10 in Books > Children's Books > Religions > Christianity > Jesus

Age Range: 8 - 12 years

Grade Level: 3 - 7

My son purchased this book and really enjoyed it. My husband and I were afraid of it being disrespectful to the faith and I read it- did not find it so.

My son loves all the books in the Who Was/ What was series. They are easy to get through and informative. When I asked him to review it he gave it 4 stars. He goes to a Catholic school so already knows a lot about Jesus- maybe that is why he didn't find it as interesting/ didn't learn a lot that he didn't already know. When I asked him if it was still worth reading he said yes.

I Loved this book so much I have read a lot of Who Was Books and out all of them this was my favorite I have read this book about two times already

My daughter loved this book! She read it in one sitting and leant it out to a friend.

Great little book. We buy lots of Who Was books and use them for homeschool enrichment. Short chapters, larger font, and lots of pictures make these books an easy read. This was a great addition to our collection.

My daughter really enjoys these books and so do I. They are very informative and I am learning right along with my kids. They are easy reads with interesting side bars, too.

My son absolutely loves these books. I am pleased that he is learning while he reads for pleasure...he doesn't care for fiction books.

Awesome book loved how it talked about Jesus and what he did and where he was born. It also talked about how he died.

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