Hello Ruby: Adventures In Coding
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"Hello Ruby is half picture book and half activity book rolled into one adorable package. It introduces programming without requiring a computer at all. The point of the book isn’t to teach you a programming language, but programming concepts." --GeekMom.comMeet Ruby―a small girl with a huge imagination, and the determination to solve any puzzle. As Ruby stomps around her world making new friends, including the Wise Snow Leopard, the Friendly Foxes, and the Messy Robots, kids will be introduced to the fundamentals of computational thinking, like how to break big problems into small ones, create step-by-step plans, look for patterns and think outside the box through storytelling. Then, these basic concepts at the core of coding and programming will be reinforced through fun playful exercises and activities that encourage exploration and creativity. In Ruby's world anything is possible if you put your mind to it.

Series: Hello Ruby (Book 1)

Hardcover: 112 pages

Publisher: Feiwel & Friends (October 6, 2015)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1250065003

ISBN-13: 978-1250065001

Product Dimensions: 7.7 x 0.5 x 9.2 inches

Shipping Weight: 1 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 3.7 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (52 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #16,845 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #59 in Books > Children's Books > Computers & Technology #476 in Books > Children's Books > Activities, Crafts & Games > Activity Books

Age Range: 4 - 8 years

Grade Level: Preschool - 3

Hi! I'm Ruby! Join me on my adventures with my friends. What is this book all about? An Introduction for Parents The idea for Hello Ruby was born in 2009, when I myself was learning to program. Whenever I ran into a problem, I would ask myself how a small, fierce girl would tackle it. But it took until the fall of 2013 for me to decide to be a children’s book author. Since then, understanding technology through play and imagination and creation has become my passion. We all have stories that shape the way we see the world as adults. Like invisible friends, our childhood stories stay with us and influence our tastes for years to come. I think we need more of these voices and stories that are able to reveal the playful side of code. Play is at the core of learning. Coding is like crayons or LEGO blocks—a way to express yourself. This book is not about 'learning to code'. It doesn’t teach any specific programming languages, but introduces the fundamentals of computational thinking that every future kid coder will need. Kids will learn how to break big problems into small problems, look for patterns, create step-by-step plans, and think outside the box. With activities included for every chapter, future kid coders will be thrilled to put their own imaginations to work. Each chapter is a small story in Ruby’s world, nine small lessons in computational thinking. This book is designed to be worked on together with a parent. You can start by reading the entire story, or focus on one chapter at a time. Each chapter has a set of exercises that build on the concepts of play and creativity. Spend time playing and replaying the exercises. It’s normal and okay to make mistakes and to look at the same problem in different ways. That’s all part of computational thinking. Toolboxes give additional information for parents and list concepts that are linked to the topic discussed. All concepts can be found in the glossary. You can also find suggested answers in the answer key at helloruby.com. There, you’ll also find more play activities and fun things to do, and you can see what other kids have created all around the world!

I wasn't involved in the Kickstarter, so I can't comment on any of the pricing issues, but I can comment on what the book has meant to me.No, your child is not going to "know how to code" after reading this book. This is not textbook by any means. This book teaches programming CONCEPTS, stuff helpful to understand before approaching actual syntax and advanced concepts. This is for FOUR to EIGHT year olds, so unless your kid is a child prodigy this is perfect. I love that it explains things in simple, fun ways for my two girls. This will help them with critical thinking and problem-solving skills while their brains are barely beginning to be capable of abstract thought. This book will lay the groundwork for them, and then when the time comes for tech-oriented courses they will feel completely comfortable.I want my daughters to know that they are capable of anything, not just "girly" careers. Books like these are invaluable in changing the lopsided tech field.

I was a kickstarter backer of this project, so I paid around $40 for the same book plus some activities that I haven't tried. We backed it thinking she would be done in August of that year, and she sent the book about a year behind schedule. As someone who works as a programmer (mostly Ruby) and taught myself from books, this book just makes no sense and it doesn't seem to really teach my daughter anything. I think if I started out with this book I would have thought that programming was just too confusing. I bet the majority of the high reviews here are from parents that don't work in tech that want to get their kid more of a STEM education. Well, I'd keep looking for a book that's more direct.First it introduces a cast of characters - Ruby; who loves learning new things, The Penguins; who speak in rude, short sentences, Django; who is a very organized kid with a snake named Python, A Snow Leopard; who's well mannered but fights with robots, The Robots; which have hundreds of siblings and are flexible and fast, and finally the Foxes; who love gardening, being friendly and don't like their freedom limited. You'd think these descriptions will start to make more sense as you read it, but it comes off more as inside joke that only adults will get.In the first chapter it introduces you to Ruby. She doesn't like to clean, and only follows the exact directions her parents give her. They said to put on clothes but didn't specify to take off your pjs first? Better put them on over the pjs. This is supposed to explain the directions within code, but since it never explains that or mentions code it's basically just a long description of a strange bratty child. In chapter two, she finds a postcard from her dad which tells her he's hidden 5 gems. She has no clue where to look, and finds some trash on the floor with notes such as 'snow leopard lives on a mountain = true', 'penguins live in a house = false' and 'steps south to Foxes from Snow Leopard: 100 X 4' along with an address. In chapter 3, she draws out a map marking where penguins are, the address for the robots, and the snow leopards. I was hoping it'd challenge you to figure out these parts from the directions she found in the last chapter, but it just writes out a map for you without any chance to figure it out first. She decides that each of these locations must be where the gems are, and she'll need to find the fifth gem. That seems rather presumptuous, since the trash could have nothing to do with her dad's postcard. But nevermind that, she takes off to the penguins with her map in hand.In chapter 4, it introduces you to the penguins. They are very smart, but hard to understand because all they'll say is stuff like 'grep' or 'chmod' and 'awk'. She tries to talk to the penguins, but they just reply with more gibberish so Ruby decides she needs to be more specific. So this time instead of asking if they've seen her dad's gem, she describes how big the item she's looking for is. This time they say 'true!' and point to the river so they all work together to build a raft to get the gem out of the river. That's it, no more penguins. Now my daughter uses an ubuntu (linux) computer, but there's no way she'd understand without further explanation that this just taught her something about linux or even her computer for that matter. And what exactly did it teach? That it's daunting and confusing and makes no real sense? Why did Ruby know that she had to rephrase the question? Normally linux gives a very specific error in these types of circumstances.. not just throwing out other random commands at you.And well, this is basically how the rest of the book goes. She stops by the Snow Leopard who likes things tidy and is upset about a gem that's shining in his eyes. So Ruby builds a ladder by repeating her steps 5 times and gets the gem. I get that the Snow Leopard is supposed to be OS X/Macs, but I have no clue what that chapter is supposed to teach you about them. Then she goes by the Foxes who are gardening and making a mess because they keep repeating tasks. She gives them directions for gardening and tells them to repeat some steps 5 times and then finds a gem in the dirt. I'm not even sure what the foxes are supposed to be here.. I'm really starting to lose track at this point on what I should be learning. Anyways, next she goes to the Robot's house. They teach her how to make cupcakes and she finds a gem within the cupcake. No real explanation here on what bots are either, which seems rather simple to add in.. just that they like to cook. Next she goes into the forest and runs into a boy named Django with a snake and a gem around his neck. He offends her by calling it his forest, which again reminds you how bratty she is.. she really has no clue if this is his yard, etc but gets upset anyways. She tries to make a bridge over another river to get away from him, but fails until they fasten the python to it and have him help swim it to the other side.. which surprisingly just works with no further details. She sees all of her friends smiling at her in the forest, the penguin, the fox, a robot, and a snow leopard and decides she doesn't need the 5th gem after all and goes home.I seriously have no idea what I was supposed to learn here.

Adventures in Coding Early Concepts might have been a clearer title. It is for younger learners and touches briefly on the ideas *behind* coding rather than teach you how to code something by the end of the book. I think some of the negative reviews are because this is not made so clear in the item description/title.For my 6 year old daughter (and her IT geek Daddy), this book is so much fun. In each short chapter, a few simple concepts are woven into the story & then there are fun activities in the back of the book that build on that concept (and I think more on the authors blog).So no, you would not have a child who can sit down and program something from scratch by the end of this book, but YES you would have a younger child who has been exposed to some of the logic etc skills to code someday....and had fun in the process.I think this book is an asset to our homeschool.

Got this for my 3 year old who is admittedly too young, but why not start early. I love the book and more importantly she loves the book! We haven't gotten too far with the workbook section but I can see the critical thinking that it encourages and will be excited to try the activities as soon as my daughter takes interest. If you are unfamiliar with the concept for the book look up Linda Liukas on Ted Talks.

Great story and it gets kids super interested in coding. After presenting this to my class, I have a huge movement with coding and computers that I am working really hard to stay ahead of their learning curve.

solid 2-3 stars book. nice graphics, good print quality, simple words, nothing special though. imagine a book about chemistry written by a kindergarten teacher who only uses some terms without proper context (I'm not expecting "pure programming" context), that book is somewhat similar. I personally think that book is misleading, the way how terminology is used, all the penguins, ruby, python, django things and the context they are connected. have I had a chance to preview 5-7 pages I wouldn't even consider it as an inspirational book for our kids. good intentions bad execution.

At face value, this book seems like it's good - and my five year old enjoys the story...but it doesn't really get into the logic as deeply as it could. I think it's just a cute story for my daughter, and not really the unique tool and exercise we were hoping for.

It's a great idea, but it was poorly executed. The story isn't compelling... at all. My daughter who normally loves books decided the book was done 1/4 of the way through. I keep bringing out the book and she keeps losing interest.

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