Exploring The World Of Foxes
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The facts and fun of life as a fox. With their catlike faces, big ears and fluffy tails, foxes appeal to youngsters, but children may not know that a fox can smell prey deep in the snow and that some can climb trees. Young readers will learn about the various fox species, such as red foxes, arctic foxes, gray foxes and swift foxes, and they will read about what it would be like to be a fox pup. Photographs of adult and young foxes in their natural habitats and sidebars with storylike content round out this rich portrayal of foxes in the wild. In the Exploring the World of ... series, Firefly Books is pleased to present an exciting new nature series produced especially for young readers who are eager to learn more about the wild animals they find especially appealing. The books are packed with facts and offer outstanding value. Clear text in large type and vivid photographs with explanatory captions describe the animals' physical attributes, and storylike narratives about their daily life -- where they live, what they eat, how they hunt, how they communicate, how they raise their young -- present a complete picture of each animal.

Series: Exploring the World of

Paperback: 24 pages

Publisher: Firefly Books (March 12, 2010)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1554076161

ISBN-13: 978-1554076161

Product Dimensions: 8 x 0.1 x 8 inches

Shipping Weight: 3.2 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.6 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (7 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #88,109 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #90 in Books > Children's Books > Animals > Foxes & Wolves #128 in Books > Children's Books > Animals > Mammals

Age Range: 7 - 10 years

Grade Level: 2 - 5

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