How To Speak Cat: A Guide To Decoding Cat Language
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We know cats are beautiful, secretive, and independent ... but even the most loyal cat owners are often baffled by their own pet's behavior. With veterinarian expert Dr. Gary Weitzman as guide, this fun book helps kids understand what cats are trying to communicate by their body language and behavior. So if you've ever wondered what Fluffy means when she's purring or moving her tail emphatically from left to right - this book is for you! It's full of insights, expert advice, and real-life cat scenarios, and showcases more than 30 poses, so you'll soon learn what each meow and flick of the tail means!

Lexile Measure: 830 (What's this?)

Paperback: 176 pages

Publisher: National Geographic Children's Books (January 6, 2015)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1426318634

ISBN-13: 978-1426318634

Product Dimensions: 6.1 x 0.4 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 13.4 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.4 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (130 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #14,318 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #55 in Books > Children's Books > Animals > Pets #103 in Books > Children's Books > Animals > Cats

Age Range: 8 - 12 years

Grade Level: 3 - 7

A must read for any cat owner or animal lover. This book is packed with useful and interesting information on cats and cat behavior. I've read many different cat books, and this book had new information that was very helpful and applicable. Very informative. I definitely feel like I understand my cat better after reading this book. I (and my cat) would HIGHLY recommend this. Two paws up!

I loved this book, and, no I'm not a 70 year old "cat lady". Actually, I'm a middle aged guy that got tired of trying to figure what my daughter's cat was whining about. Long story short, my new fuzzy pal and I now exchange nose bumps, trills and toy fun. As bizarre as it seems, we seem to communicate, and it's fun.

I grew up on in a big farmhouse that was always occupied by a couple of full time resident "mousers" who took their responsibilities seriously, so I loved cats and kittens, not fancy breeds, just plain house cats. My knowledge of them was limited to what I observed on my own.HOW TO SPEAK CAT was a delightful eye-opener because of its inviting cover, its gorgeous full color cat photographs on every page, and the easy-to-comprehend layout with multi-sized, multi-colored fonts all of which seem to be screaming (mewling?),"Read me!"Though designed for Middle Readers, this book has a much wider audience. Every person who has ever loved a cat or loves one now will find it sheer delight. Besides showing the reader how to decode cat language, the book contains many intriguing tales and tidbits about these marvelous creatures. I can't wait to tell my friends in Perthshire, Scotland, that "Towser, a female cat in Perthshire, holds the world record for being the best mouser. In 23 years, she caught 28,899 mice." (I wonder who kept the tally.)This handy cat "encyclopedia" is the perfect gift for your cat lover friends, no matter their age. Read it with the young cat lovers in your family. They'll enjoy the photos while you share the text._Hope Irvin Marston, author of EYE ON THE IDITAROD: AISLING'S QUEST.

This book would make a great gift for a 10-year old adopting their first cat, but as an adult, I found the writing to be oversimplified. The translations of cat behavior are merely a page long -- I read cover to cover within an hour. There is no information that can't be found easily on the internet. Nothing new or revelatory for me.

My daughter loves this book. I can't get her to put it down. If you or your children want to learn more about cats, taking care of them, how to keep them happy, house training them, this is the book for you. Easy to read and lots of pictures. Loaded with so many interesting facts.

Good information about cat language. I surprised myself in how much I had already perceived, being a first time cat parent. I guess if you are sensitive to animals and have always had pets (dogs and very tame parakeets) then that skill just transfers over to all one's pets. It could have gone further into the communication with cats. I've already surpassed the knowledge in this book and wanted to learn more.Great for someone that needs sensitivity training.

If you have ever lived with a cat, they can be both wonderful and mysterious folk. I love reading about what some of their behaviors really mean. After all...they are not us, and we must not assume we understand them just because we seem to understand our dog.

This book was fun to read, informative. Provided some new insights on cat language. I'm a regular viewer of Cat from Hell and love the advice Jackson Galaxy gives each week. Thinking like a cat and being in tune with their language helps to understand their mysterious ways.This book is well put together and easy to understand. Enjoying the purchase.

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