Writing, Grade 6 (Spectrum)
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Spectrum Writing creates student interest and sparks writing creativity! The lessons, perfect for students in grade 6, strengthen writing skills by focusing on sequence of events, comparing and contrasting, point of view, facts and opinions, and more! Each book provides an overview of the writing process, as well as a break down of the essential skills that build good writing. It features easy-to-understand directions, is aligned to national and state standards, and also includes a complete answer key. --Today, more than ever, students need to be equipped with the essential skills they need for school achievement and for success on proficiency tests. The Spectrum series has been designed to prepare students with these skills and to enhance student achievement. Developed by experts in the field of education, each title in the Spectrum workbook series offers grade-appropriate instruction and reinforcement in an effective sequence for learning success. Perfect for use at home or in school, and a favorite of parents, homeschoolers, and teachers worldwide, Spectrum is the learning partner students need for complete achievement.

Age Range: 11 and up

Series: Spectrum

Paperback: 136 pages

Publisher: Spectrum; Rev Upd Wk edition (December 11, 2006)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0769652867

ISBN-13: 978-0769652863

Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 0.3 x 11 inches

Shipping Weight: 11.4 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.3 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (36 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #95,242 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #75 in Books > Children's Books > Education & Reference > Reading & Writing > Composition & Creative Writing #256 in Books > Education & Teaching > Schools & Teaching > Instruction Methods > Language Arts #28181 in Books > Reference

My son use to hate writing. I tried a few of these different writing workbooks and they made the problem worse. They seem to overcomplicate it, and were way too technical for kids. Sure, my kids went through the motions, but rarely did they retain the subject matter.Then I stumbled onto something that worked far better with my youngest...and all we had to pay for was a composition notebook at the dollar store. What I did was simply to start having him write in his journal for 10-15 minutes a day about whatever had happened that day or whatever he was thinking about. (After all, this is most likely what Da Vinci did as a child!)For the first month or two, I didn't require him to correct any of his writing errors. That is what got the ball rolling. As he wrote about the things that mattered to him without the fear of making mistakes, writing became a lot more appealing for him.Gradually, I began to help him with corrections to make his writing more readable, however I was and still am very careful not to ask him to change too many things at once. That discourages him. The whole point is to foster the love of writing. I want to keep his fire lit, so I just have him make 3 or 4 corrections at a time. The rest of the corrections I make for him.Now he writes during his play all the time and his writing is improving by leaps and bounds. He even says that writing is one of his favorite subjects!Through this experience I have come to believe that writing (under these circumstances) will emerge naturally, very much like spoken language. We don't need to dissect it and make technical lessons out of it at this age. We just need to support kids in writing about the things that matter to them. This has been the ideal way for my son to learn.

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