Thumbtacks, Earwax, Lipstick, Dipstick: What Is A Compound Word? (Words Are Categorical)
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What is a compound word? You'll find the answer inside this book it's a stockpile of compound words! Brian P. Cleary's upbeat rhymes and Brian Gable's sidesplitting illustrations bring compound words to life. We've highlighted the compound words with colored type to make them easy to identify. Thumbtacks, Earwax, Lipstick, Dipstick: What Is a Compound Word? overturns traditional grammar lessons. Read this book aloud with everyone you know and share in the delight of the sense and nonsense of words.

Series: Words Are Categorical

Paperback: 32 pages

Publisher: Millbrook Press (August 2013)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1467713791

ISBN-13: 978-1467713795

Product Dimensions: 0.2 x 7 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 0.3 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.8 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (13 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #50,543 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #53 in Books > Children's Books > Education & Reference > Reading & Writing > Grammar #15276 in Books > Reference

Age Range: 6 - 9 years

Grade Level: 2 - 6

A prim and proper CATegorical teacher, uses her pointer to show us that a compound word is "A word made up of two or more shorter words." The crazy cats in this series are ready to show you that a single word can be made up of two shorter ones to make a word easy to define and understand. A boxer cat sweats as he works out in sweatpants (sweat + pants), a cowboy (cow + boy) cat tips his hat to us, while another CATegorical cat flies his purple plane on a worldwide (world + wide) adventure. "Sometime when we're reading, / we might see a big, long word, / then find it's made of smaller ones / as in this one: bluebird."It's easy to recognize compound words once you get the hang of it and then when you split them up they are easier to pronounce. The CATegorical cats have lots of examples for you to take a look at so you'll understand all about compound words. You'll learn that they are "mostly nouns," but that there are some exceptions. Sometimes they will tell you a bit more about a noun. For example, the cats will show you words such as uphill, overworked, and underground. You'll also find that some are adjectives while other compound words "can help express some form of action."Learning all about compound words with the zany CATegorical cats can be a FUN way to learn about grammar. The colorful cats are poised to teach the young student all about compound words in their own madcap (mad + cap) way as they read these books. The inimitable rhyming scheme meshes perfectly with the lively cats as they help the reluctant reader learn grammar in a less structured and more manageable manner than usual. Each compound word is highlighted in color so they can be quickly spotted. This is one of many in the CATegorical series of books that would be an excellent addition to any library, homeschool, or classroom shelves!This book courtesy of the publisher.

The rhyme, rhythm, colored words and illustrations make this such a fun book for learning how to read compound words. I especially like that they use different colors to differentiate each smaller word in a compound word. This instantly brings the visual home that "thumbtack" really is made up of "thumb" and "tack." We enjoy the CATegorical books because they make academic subjects a lot of fun. The illustrations of the cats are especially entertaining. This is a wonderful book for K-3!

I purchased this book for my first grader who has a great love for reading and writing. She loved it so much that I am going to look into others in this series. Very fun, clever books for conveying concepts in grammar. Wish I would have had these when I was her age. :)

I'm a read-aloud mom with a family of boys. This book rocks.Compound nouns, adjectives, and verbs are all included. The illustrations are silly, and the entire book is well done. Holds kids' attention and gets the job done.

Mr Cleary once again knocks it out of the park. This book has helped my kindergartner understand compound words. He doesn't have a problem with words like "into" any longer.

I love the Brian P. Cleary books to review or introduce vocabulary concepts. The pictures and examples are fun and educational. They students enjoy them too.

Book is a great book to describe compound words used it to read to my kindergarten through second grade kids and they all loved it.

This is a great book for introducing compound words. It really helps kids understand the concept of compound words.

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