Series: Math Adventures
Hardcover: 32 pages
Publisher: Charlesbridge; 1 edition (June 1, 2006)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1570916802
ISBN-13: 978-1570916809
Product Dimensions: 9.7 x 8.9 x 0.4 inches
Shipping Weight: 12 ounces
Average Customer Review: 4.7 out of 5 stars See all reviews (26 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #630,335 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #72 in Books > Children's Books > Education & Reference > Math > Geometry #763 in Books > Children's Books > Geography & Cultures > Royalty #14031 in Books > Children's Books > Action & Adventure
Age Range: 8 - 12 years
Grade Level: 1 - 7
Back in the days of Camelot, people knew geometry, but they learned it in adventures instead of textbooks. Per of Ameter played a game created by the Countess Areana in which they figured the outside edges and inner pieces of shapes made with the same size squares. Their skill at this game allowed them to solve several mysteries on the Isle of Immeter through a few escapes, as the island was protected by a sea dragon. Finally Per solved all the puzzles, and the sea dragon delivered a locked from the Countess Areana giving Per ownership of the island. When the two children returned from their adventure, Sir Cumference named the measurement of the outside edge of any flat, straight sided shape perimeter, after Per, who now was the Lady of Immeter. The inside of the shapes was called Area, after the Countess Areana who designed all the puzzles they solved. And so, as you will know if you have read this book, this is a cute, abbreviated account of the true way geometry really evolved.A handy chart on the last page explains in mathematical terms the formulas described in the book.
My nine-year-old loved the earlier books in the Sir Cumference series, and was excited to hear that a new one was available. He enjoyed it thoroughly, for both the story and the math content. This series of books ranks near the top of his favorites list.
This whole series of books is wonderful. The story line for a middle school level is somewhat elementary, but the students still LOVE them. They remember the terms and even bring them up during lessons. I think even at the middle school levels, the kids really like being read to and these books ,as silly as they seem when read at that level, help solidify these key geometry concepts in a fun kind of way. They take about 10-15 minutes to read out loud. Highly recommend!
This is a great math book. It teaches kids while also entertaining. I purchased three of the Sir Cumference books for our library and the kids love them. The service was quick and the books were exactly as described.
In this book, Per of Ameter played a game created by the Countess Areana in which they figured the outside edges and inner pieces of shapes made with the same size squares. Their skill at this game allowed them to solve several mysteries on the Isle of Immeter through a few escapes, as the island was protected by a sea dragon. Finally Per and Radius solved all the puzzles, and the sea dragon delivered a locked from the Countess Areana giving Per ownership of the island. When the two children returned from their adventure, Sir Cumference named the measurement of the outside edge of any flat, straight sided shape perimeter, after Per, who now was the Lady of Immeter. The inside of the shapes was called Area, after the Countess Areana who designed all the puzzles they solved. This book is great for reviewing or teaching the concepts of area and perimeter.
This is one of a wonderfully engaging collection of math books for kids in elementary grades. They take complicated math concepts and explain them in creative succinct ways that will keep the child hooked to the very end.
The entire Sir Cumference Series are a wonderful way to entertain children while teaching math concepts. They don't even realize they are learning, they enjoy the stories. Each story connects math applications in ways children understand and can apply. What a wonderful gift. :)
This book starts out appropriate for younger kids then gets way too complicated. That part about perimeter and area is great then when it gets to circumference and radius it's much too complex. It would probably be great for middle schoolers. I would never read it to my third grade class.
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