The Complete Book Of Algebra & Geometry (Grades 5-6)
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The Complete Book of Algebra and Geometry offers children in grades 5-6 easy-to-understand lessons in higher math concepts, skills, and strategies. This best-selling, 352 page workbook teaches children how to understand algebraic and geometric languages and operations. Children complete a variety of activities that help them develop skills and then complete lessons that apply these skills and concepts to everyday situations. Including a complete answer key this workbook features a user friendly format perfect for browsing, research, and review. Basic Skills Include: •Order of Operations •Numbers •Variables •Expressions •Integers •Powers •Exponents •Points •Lines •Rays •Angles •Area Over 4 million in print! The best-selling Complete Book series offers a full complement of instruction, activities, and information about a single topic or subject area. Containing over 30 titles and encompassing preschool to grade 8 this series helps children succeed in every subject area! v

Paperback: 352 pages

Publisher: American Education Publishing (November 29, 2006)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0769643302

ISBN-13: 978-0769643304

Product Dimensions: 8.3 x 0.8 x 10.8 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.6 pounds

Average Customer Review: 4.6 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (39 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #251,412 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #47 in Books > Children's Books > Education & Reference > Math > Algebra #50 in Books > Children's Books > Education & Reference > Math > Geometry #714 in Books > Education & Teaching > Schools & Teaching > Instruction Methods > Mathematics

Age Range: 10 - 12 years

Grade Level: 5 - 6

As a retired math teacher, I highly recommend this work book to any parent or teacher of a 5th or 6th grade student. The California textbooks for these grades are abysmal in their incomprehensible explanations of algebraic processes. Unlike the textbook which uses language only a college professor can understand, this book explains the processes in very simple language and in such detail that even a parent who does not know algebra can learn and explain it to their child. Moreover, it is organized in a logical teaching order which the California textbooks are not. The only improvement that could be made to this workbook is the addition of an index.

I wish the Complete Book of Algebra and Geometry had been available when I was in the sixth grade. I really could have used this worktext. This text takes you through the basics of algebra and geometry in a fun, engaging format. This is a great basal worktext for homeschoolers. It can also be utilized as a worktext over the summer to prepare for school in the fall.

I have a cross categorical resource classroom for reading and math. This book hits most of the difficult 8th grade math skills on a much lower reading level. Definately worth the money. The only complaint that I have is that the binding is cheap and the glue was coming apart right out of the box, but that's a fair trade off for the resources inside.

This book provides challenging math problems for students who have mastered math at their grade level and want to work ahead, or need to be challenged more.

I bought this book to "brush" up on some skills my child needed help grasping. "We" are in the 8th grade, but I noticed "we" were lacking some of the "basic" algebra skills. I like the easy, simple explanations and the layout of the book.

Great book to introduce your kids to Algebra & Geometry. A easily read introduction or refresher. The author explains concepts pretty well and in a down-to-earth manner. I needed to review algebra for an upcoming class, and this book helped immensely. I'd strongly recommend it to anyone who had a similar need.

I bought this book along with several other math books a couple of years ago. I am homeschooling my son, and wanted some good resources for making sure he learns math well. I have liked the math books up to this point, but today we started this book. There are some great things for him to learn so far in the book, but I did find it very disturbing that the people who put this book together got three out of 14 problems wrong, on the first real work page in the book. If someone is going to use this book and does not have someone who already knows how to do these problems, they could get very confused if they start doing the problems right and discover that the book is saying the answer is something other than what they got.

I received a brand new book without any marks. It's a very useful colored resource book for my tutorial students. I like the preview page of each topic within Algebra and Geometry. It gives me an insight of what I will have to cover with my student. This is good as reinforcement and/or homework.

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