Wildlife Mazes: An A-maze-ing Colorful Journey Into The Wild!
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From the elephants of Africa to the penguins of Antarctica, children will delight in this colorful, maze-filled journey around the world. The wild trip is courtesy of Roger Moreau, creator of the popular Dinosaur Escape Mazes (60,000 copies sold) and Wizard Magic Mazes (70,000 copies). Start the safari in Nairobi, where-- if you can find your way climbing up vines, running over rough trails, and crossing rivers -- dozens of creatures will greet you, including an endangered Black Rhino. From there, head to Asia and search for a clear path through the bamboo to reach the pandas. Then, it's on to South and North America, and finally to the Arctic where polar bears play and solvers have to go slip-sliding safely across blocks of ice.

Age Range: 7 - 11 years

Paperback: 80 pages

Publisher: Sterling; Act edition (November 1, 2005)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1402715528

ISBN-13: 978-1402715525

Product Dimensions: 11 x 8.3 x 0.2 inches

Shipping Weight: 12.6 ounces

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Best Sellers Rank: #5,298,289 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #83 in Books > Children's Books > Activities, Crafts & Games > Activity Books > Mazes #103568 in Books > Children's Books > Animals

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