Taylor Swift: The Ultimate Fan Book 2015: Taylor Swift Facts, Quotes And Quiz (Taylor Swift Fan Books) (Volume 2)
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Taylor Swift: The Ultimate Fan Book 2015 is the second Taylor Swift book by mega-Swiftie Jenny Kellett. In this book, updated for 2015, you'll find amazing Taylor Swift biography facts and quotes as well as a Taylor Swift quiz to test your knowledge of the superstar herself! The author has put together some of the best facts about Taylor Swift, many of which will surprise you! Taylor Swift Quiz Who is Taylor currently dating? How old was Taylor when she moved to Nashville? Who is Taylor's BFF from high school? What is the breed of Taylor's cat Meredith? You'll find out the answers to these questions and more in the Ultimate Taylor Swift Fan Book. How many will you know the answer to? Taylor Swift Quotes Read some of Taylor's best quotes, including what she really thinks about love and some tips for happiness! Taylor Swift Facts Taylor loves buying vintage style iPhone cases Taylor Swift has a private jet worth $40 million Taylor is scared of driving. These are just some of the Taylor Swift facts you'll find in the book. So if you're a true Swifty, grab this book today. Or, treat your Taylor Swift loving friend or family member — the Taylor Swift: Ultimate Fan Book is ideal for Swifties of all ages! **Bonus: lots of pretty pictures of Taylor included!**

Series: Taylor Swift Fan Books

Paperback: 38 pages

Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform; 1 edition (May 23, 2015)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1512352993

ISBN-13: 978-1512352993

Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.1 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 3.8 ounces

Average Customer Review: 3.2 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (42 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #456,220 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #32 in Books > Children's Books > Arts, Music & Photography > Music > Popular #105 in Books > Children's Books > Biographies > Performing Arts

I know that sounds like a stupid headline, but it's true. I could google Taylor Swift and prove some of these facts wrong. I am a big Swiftie, and I was excited to purchase this book, but I dislike the format, and many of the facts seem completely improvised (for example, it says that her Twitter is taylor_swift, and that her favorite drink is Diet Coke simply because she advertised for them). In the quiz section, there are some interesting facts, but the answers are right below them, which makes it very difficult to actually attempt to take the quiz. The photos are kind of low-quality and some of them have watermarks from other places on them. Also, the quotes section is largely lacking in good quotes. Many of these support the stereotypes about her, and I have read far better quotes in other places. Finally, this book is incredibly short. It's not really worth the $10 it costs for the paperback, but if you'd like to learn some slightly unreliable facts about Taylor Swift, it may be worth the $3 it costs for the Kindle Edition. (by the way, this is a review by George's daughter, not George himself)

Some of the pictures in it are pretty low quality. I liked the quiz thing, but the answers are right under the questions so I saw the answer before I even finished reading the questions. Some of the information is incorrect, as well (her twitter handle is @taylorswift13, not @taylor_swift). I knew most of the facts in it, but I did enjoy some of the things I didn't know. Overall, it's probably exactly what should be expected for $10.

I was shocked when I received the book/pamphlet. I bought it in a hurry and felt really stupid for not being more careful and reading up more before buying.1. The book is really thin and not worth the price. I was embarrassed because i bought it as a gift and now i look like a cheapie!2. The printing is so terrible, half the headlines and words at the top of the page were chopped off (don't tell me it's some fancy layout)3. Speaking of layouts, it looks like a 10 year old did it for a class project.4. Speaking of 10 year olds, my 10 year old was pointing out all the mistakes and grammar errors.5. I feel quite cheated and I hope the person who is responsible for printing this "thing" sends loads of money to Taylor Swift or at least her favourite charity, to make up for this sad way of taking advantage of Taylor Swift's popularity.6. I think should stop selling this product. It's giving a bad name to .

This book got many things wrong. First, sloppy editing and layout. Second, 'Swiftie' was spelled wrong. Third, you said that her Twitter handle is @taylor_swift, which it is not. (It is actually @tayorswift13.) Fourth, one of her quotes is wrong! It was written as, "SHOUTING speaks so much louder than screaming tantrums," when in reality, the actual quote is "SILENCE speaks so much louder than screaming tantrums..." And last of all, the grammar on the last page is atrocious. All of these problems could have been easily fixed with a simple double check. Plus, its extremely short and the pictures are low quality. Not happy.

in my house this is a five star item. I gave it 4 stars because, like other reviewers, I thought the book looks like it was just stuff pulled from the internet. The pictures were not clear and the quiz left something to be desired. The answers were written immediately after the questions so there was no real chance for my daughter to test her knowledge of Taylor Swift. but because this book was bought for my daughter who is 9 years old, it was absolutely perfect. She loved it so much and read it from cover to cover and references it often. not great for an adult, but perfect for a child!

This is for my 10 year old daughter who adores anything TS and most likely won't notice what a terrible excuse for a "book" this is. The pictures are terrible quality and looks and feels like something printed on a home printer. Worth maybe $1. Save your $$ and make your own on Microsoft word. (for the record, I think this is my first review, it was bad enough I needed to warn future purchasers).

Low quality printing. It looks like someone printed it on a home printer and then had it commercially bound. I bought it pretty much as a joke so I guess I don't care, but if you are fan, I can't believe this would satisfy your desire for information or photos. I'm quite certain Talyor Swift sees nothing of the profits - not that she needs them, but if she had a copy of this, I'd think she'd reject it for being low quality. Thefaded looking photo on your screen if fairly representative of what the actual cover looks like.

real swifty knows half the stuff. or more. also its only Q&A. Yoy can see the anwser beforw you read the question so its not really fun. donrt buy it. if your wanting to became more of a swifty. get it maybe.

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