Ben And Me: An Astonishing Life Of Benjamin Franklin By His Good Mouse Amos
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Ever wonder where inventors get their ideas? As it turns out, the great inventor Benjamin Franklin got his best ideas from a mouse named Amos! Funny, interesting and wise, this classic tale has been a favorite for generations. Once you've met Amos and read his account, you'll never think of Ben Franklin-or American history-quite the same way.Explore this historical time period even further in this new edition of award-winning author Robert Lawson's classic tale, with additional bonus material, including a map of Ben Franklin's travels!

Paperback: 114 pages

Publisher: Little, Brown Books for Young Readers; 3/31/88 edition (April 30, 1988)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0316517305

ISBN-13: 978-0316517300

Product Dimensions: 5.2 x 0.5 x 7.8 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.6 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.4 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (86 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #22,854 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #12 in Books > Children's Books > Biographies > United States #25 in Books > Children's Books > Literature & Fiction > Historical Fiction > United States > Colonial #430 in Books > Children's Books > Classics

Age Range: 8 - 11 years

Grade Level: 3 - 7

Ben and Me is a delightful biography of Benjamin Franklin written by Robert Lawson. The novel is marvelous for children. It is educational. It teaches a lot about the founding of the country and mainly about one of the men who made it possible. Ben and Me is fabulously entertaining. Amos's own adventures are thrilling, and his stories about Ben are hilarious. Any child or adult with a sense of humor will laugh at this book. Anyone who reads this book will learn while laughing. Robert Lawson was the author and illustrator of many great children's books, but Ben and Me was probably the best, and it will be around for many years to come.

ISBN 0440420385 (which now belongs to another book) - Really well-done, tongue in cheek "biography" of Benjamin Franklin, a man who is "undeniably stupid at times", according to Amos, the mouse, whose brilliant ideas seem to be all that stand between Franklin and certain death with his crazy experiments.Amos, oldest of 26 children, comes from a family of church mice. Knowing how hard it is to feed such a brood, Amos sets out to try to find some way to help his family and stumbles into the home of Ben Franklin. Ben is sneezing away in a room thick with smoke from the fireplace until Amos gives him almost every detail Ben needs to create the famous Franklin Stove. Thrilled to have such a great mind at hand, Franklin works out an agreement with Amos and the two go on living and working together. When the Revolutionary War takes a financial toll on Washington's army, the two go to France to borrow from the French and Amos is able, with a great deal of help, to save one beautiful female mouse named Sophia and her seven children. After this final adventure, Amos is ready to settle down to a quiet life in his old age and thinks Ben should, too.The back cover says the book is for ages 8-12. I think it might be a little tough for 8 year olds, with a large number of big words, but it's amusing enough that an 8 year old might make the effort to learn the words and expand their vocabulary. For the parents who worry about every little word in every book their kid reads, there's a couple disparaging "stupids" and one sentence that has Ben Franklin "tossing off" a shot of brandy. For those who just want their kid to enjoy a book and learn new words, this one's WELL worth it.- AnnaLovesBooks

Through the years some books stay with you. Some in the forefront of your memory, some sit quietly in the dusty corners, like treasure chests left by tiny pirates. Ben and Me is a treasure chest in the dusty corners of my mind. It must be 25 years since I first read it, but I recently discovered that I could tell much of the story by memory to my son who is engrossed in a Benjamin Franklin project for school. The fierce mouse battle, the towering wigs worn by the ladies of the court, Ben's old fur hat with the holes in it... so many vivid and wonderful memories.A great read for the kids who rooted for Wilbur in Charlotte's Web or those who zoomed along with Mr. Toad in Wind in the Willows.Now- where did I put my copy??

It's easy to love sweet little Amos, the Mouse in Colonial American who befriended Ben Franklin and through him delivered the world its greatest inventions, including electricity.Walt Disney thought so too and he made "Ben and Me" right after Disneyland opened up. So soon it will be the 50th anniversary of the cartoon. I don't think the cartoon is a feature length film, but I know it's longer than the average Looney Tunes--probably around half an hour. Charlie Ruggles played the dim-witted likable Ben, fussing with his glasses and kindly making Amos little treats. As for Amos, his voice was that of Aterling Holloway whose voice was used in so many Disney movies he was practically an employee at the Mouse Factory.For Disney, the challenge of animating another mouse (besides Mickey, who had made Walt famous) was immense. It is said that Disney really dug Lawson's story of a mouse who uses his power to make a human famous, for it was his own story in a way.The book is great for kids and if you like this one, check out MR REVERE AND I, sort of the same story except told by a horse--the horse Paul Revere used on his famous ride that starts out, "Hardly a man is still alive!" Well, as you can imagine from BEN AND ME, that horse has a very different story to tell that Longfellow did! Heartwarming and historic.

The story of Ben and Me is a biography of Benjamin Franklin from the eyes of his pet mouse, Amos. While this book had some facts, it was mostly historical fiction with funny twists. I enjoyed this, yet i seriously doubt that all of Franklin's brilliant ideas were actually thought up by a mouse. This is a good book and have fun reading!

I read this book at least six times between the ages of seven and eleven. It is interesting, humorous, and an unique approach to telling the life of Benjamin Franklin. The problem, however, is that Amos takes credit for most of Franklin's inventions and sayings, while portraying Franklin as a bumbling, conceited idiot. At the time when I read it, I believed the mouse part to be true, and even after I knew better, the negative portrayal of Franklin stuck in my mind. It took me several years to be able to actually like and respect him, instead of laughing at every positive portrayal of the man.

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