Scholastic Encyclopedia Of The Presidents And Their Times
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This new edition features updated information about the 2012 presidential election and a full-color design!THE SCHOLASTIC ENCYLOPEDIA OF THE PRESIDENTS AND THEIR TIMES documents the tenure of each of the American presidents. It also includes information about the headlines, people, and fads that defined America during each presidency. It is an easy-to-use resource that reflects events through the election of the next president in the 2012 election.Each profile includes a fact box that lists the president's birthday, birthplace, vice president, wife, children, and nickname. It also lists the president's full name and years he was in office. It is an easy-to-understand guide that traces our Presidential history from the beginning to the future.

Hardcover: 256 pages

Publisher: Scholastic Reference; Updated edition (January 1, 2013)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0545499852

ISBN-13: 978-0545499859

Product Dimensions: 1 x 9 x 11 inches

Shipping Weight: 2.4 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.0 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (28 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #695,762 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #109 in Books > Children's Books > Education & Reference > Reference > Encyclopedias #182 in Books > Children's Books > Biographies > U. S. Presidents & First Ladies #194 in Books > Reference > Encyclopedias & Subject Guides > Children's

Age Range: 10 - 14 years

Grade Level: 5 - 9

Do NOT buy this book unless you want your children seriously misinformed. The 2005 edition of this book actually lists John Kerry after George W. Bush as the 44th president in its table of contents!!! Whatever you may have wanted for the 2004 presidential electioin, it is irresponsible to publish a table of contents insinuating that John F. Kerry is our 44th president. Shame on the editors for letting this one "slip"....

There must be dozens of books like "Encyclopedia of the Presidents and Their Times," making buying choices really difficult. As an elementary/middle school librarian, I must make these same buying choices. However, selecting this particular book was not difficult. Let me count the ways that this book is a must-have for our library:1. This 2005 update includes ALL presidential elections.2. "This book not only explains the issues and the challenges that each president faced, but also the headlines, people, scandals, and fads that were defining America during each presidency" (from the front book flap)3. For each year of presidency the book includes a page. Two terms: eight pages.4. This book prints primary sources (newspaper clippings) and summaries of major events of the presidency.5. After all the presidents, the book concludes with several pages highlighting the remodeling of the White House over the years. Very interesting!Here's a sample:William Jefferson Clinton, 42nd president, 1993-2001.The first president to have been a Rhodes Scholar.Newspaper articles about an arrest in the World Trade Center bombing.News summaries: Trade agreements, the 1994 elections, Contract with America, Government Shutdowns, the War in Bosnia, the Bombing of Kosovo, Relations with Russia, Clinton's personal diplomacy, Budget Surplus, Impeachment.Related articles:Clinton's early yearsThe First LadyOklahoma City BombingThe InternetCampaign 1996Economic Boom sets record (newspaper clipping)The Tobacco SettlementThe Human Genome projectColumbine,Y2KFrankenfoodCampaign 2000This volume is particularly interesting because of the variety of topics-- political, economic, sociological, personal, cultural and more. There is also a variety of photographs, including ones of the president and his family.

Very well organized! Columns helped differentiate what was going on historically from what the Presidents did in office as well as what they did before becoming Presidents. In the back you will find an index with the actual votes from the electoral college for each presidential race. Love the timelines and pictures. Easy to read for middle schoolers. Lots of color and did I say organized? Definitely.

This book is written primarily at the level of a junior high student. It has a great deal of information about each President as well as some fun facts about newsworthy topics during their terms. History is a record of facts regarding the President and First Lady. The author left out a focus on several significant first ladies: Jacqueline Kennedy and Ladybird Johnson. Additionally he stated the major interior restoration was begun by Mamie Eisenhower. This was incorrect. She accepted gifts of furniture as did many First Ladies but she did not lead the initiative. This was begun by Jacqueline Kennedy who helped found the White House Historical Association.

This is a great addition, for teachers and kids, to add this book to any school or home library.I like that each President's bio page contains events that were going on in our country at that time. It gives a great reference as to what that President faced within his term. The pictures included are all very interesting and lots of simulated newspaper clippings are also included to show what was making the headlines of the day. There is also a lot of campaign data found inside that shows how political races were won, lost, and elections, determined. Also included, is an interesting timeline of where and how the White House was constructed over the years.This is definitely a book I will be incorporating into my home-schooling curriculum. There is a lot of info packed into one place that will make it easy for reference study. Both of my kids have already enjoyed looking through this book and seeing the history of the United States' Presidents from George Washington to Barack Obama.I think the author compiling the information did a good job of not showing any biases or political leanings. To me, this is essential with this kind of book. I just want the real historical facts, thank you.Scholastic Books sent me the above book for review purposes. It will allow me to keep the book. I have no other connection to and have received no other compensation from Scholastic.

I bought this book for a pre-teen, but I find that I myself refer to it often. It gives basic information as well as interesting human-interest factoids. It is well illustrated and nicely bound. I use it more than a lot of other reference books that I have.

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