Math-terpieces: The Art Of Problem-Solving
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NEW YORK TIMES bestselling author Greg Tang challenges kids to solve problems creatively while introducing art history.In his most ground-breaking book since THE BEST OF TIMES (Fall 2002), Greg Tang underscores the importance of four basic rules in problem-solving. Keeping an open mind, looking for unusual number combinations, using multiple skills (like subtracting to add) and looking for patterns, will guarantee any child success in math. In MATH-TERPIECES, Tang continues to challenge kids with his innovative approach to math, and uses art history to expand his vision for creative problem-solving.

Lexile Measure: NP (What's this?)

Hardcover: 32 pages

Publisher: Scholastic Press; 1st edition (July 1, 2003)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0439443881

ISBN-13: 978-0439443883

Product Dimensions: 0.5 x 9.2 x 10.2 inches

Shipping Weight: 13.6 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.7 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (26 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #47,033 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #15 in Books > Children's Books > Arts, Music & Photography > Art > History #286 in Books > Children's Books > Education & Reference > Math #928 in Books > Science & Math > Mathematics

Age Range: 7 - 10 years

Grade Level: 2 - 5

I love this book and have shared it with colleagues! What a great idea to combine math and art, and what a great way to tackle problem solving which is not always a favourite with kids! For teachers, it helps us cover two subject areas at the same time which we greatly appreciate. When I saw the cover of this book, I was instantly intrigued. I liked the fact that it's suitable for all age groups -- older students may appreciate the art history aspect more, but the rhymes appeal to all ages. The illustrations jump out, are appealing and make math more interesting. When I showed this book to some of my students, one instantly said that it was "neat" because everyone came up with a different way of getting the answer yet everyone was right, to which I responded with a delighted smile!

Bravo, Greg Tang has done it once again! This wonderful book is full of authentic masterpieces which Tang recreates to get us looking at the art in a "math kind of way!" This book is super for all elementary levels, kindergarten through grade five. The focus is on addition, and the many ways we can group numbers to get to a given sum. We love it!

Greg Tang encourages his audience to develop number sense in a lively way. With the help of this and his other books, you can encourage your students to develop a more fluid approach to math. I have used many of his books in my classroom, and find it is best to pre-teach his way of combining number sets before reading the book aloud (just a short lesson).After introducing several of his books last September, I spent the rest of the year listening to students' spontaneous explanations of how 13 is really just two sixes and one more, or 5 + 8 which is really 5 + (5 + 3), but it's easier to see it as (5 + 5) + 3, and so on. When kids catch on to what he is doing with numbers, it is hard to get them to stop...but why would you want to?

These books were a huge hit with my daughter! All of the Greg Tang books are referred to as "Math Potatoes" in our house, and were required reading every night-not because we required them, but because our daughter loved them. She is 11 now, and has moved to more challenging material, but these books will always be looked back on fondly, like I look back on Christopher Robbin, Mr. Rodgers, and Sesame Street.

I'm so impressed with this book and can't wait to use it with my Special Education class. The pictures in the preview were confusing, but I went ahead and bought a copy based on the good reviews. The concept is as follows: on the left side of each set of pages, there is a picture of a famous piece of art and a riddle, asking the reader to find x combinations that will make y (3 combinations that will make 7, 5 combinations that will make 10... that sort of thing). On the right side are several groups of objects from the artwork-- abstract eyeballs for Picasso, ballet slippers for Degas. The objects are arranged in sets of 1, 2, 3, 4, and so forth. From the sets available, the reader is able to find multiple combinations of objects to reach the goal number. I'm sure that's not any less confusing that the pictures... but it's really cute and will be great for improving addition skills and overall numerical fluency... well, and cultural exposure, too! I highly recommend this book!

This was our first book by Greg Tang, and I loved it so much, and can not wait to get my hands on more of his books. My son loves math, and I am always looking for new ways to challenge his thinking about the subject. This book is by far the best I have come across for that type of reading. I love the fact that the author was able to take two subjects, math and art, and intertwine them so that kids are really learning about two things at one time. The rhyming verses that he uses to set up the clues for number groupings is very, very nice as well. It is a great concept book. You will love the art, and you will love the way he gets kids thinking about art through math, and visa versa. It makes math fun for kids. 5 HUGE stars for this book!

A good introduction to both art and math.My kid who doesn't usually like to do addition finds it really fun to find the different ways of adding up the various things. We treat it as a number game. Reinforces the point that there are different ways of arriving at the same number which can be taught as3+4=72+5=71+6=7(BORING!)or you can just do it by addding up pictures. They will learn it all the better, I feel

This was recommended by an elementary math specialist to help my grandchild keep making progress in the 2nd grade. A job move for her father resulted in attending a low quality elementary school in central Louisana

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