Henri Matisse (Getting To Know The World's Greatest Artists)
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Clever illustrations and story lines, together with full-color reproductions of actual paintings, give children a light yet realistic overview of each artist's life and style in these fun and educational books.

Series: Getting to Know the World's Greatest Artists

Paperback: 32 pages

Publisher: Children's Press(CT) (September 1, 1997)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0516261460

ISBN-13: 978-0516261461

Product Dimensions: 9.4 x 7.9 x 0.1 inches

Shipping Weight: 12.6 ounces

Average Customer Review: 4.9 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (15 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #560,276 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #159 in Books > Children's Books > Arts, Music & Photography > Art > History #225 in Books > Children's Books > Biographies > Art #65923 in Books > History

Age Range: 6 and up

Grade Level: 1 and up

I was really impressed with not only how wonderfully the book related to children, but to the colorful art work as well. My son asked lots of questions and related this book to his life.

Mike Venezia makes famous artists come to life. I have used these books in my reading class and have inspired reluctant readers to read non-fiction. Ages 6-11 enjoy the lively language and great reproductions.

These are great biographies - filled with silly cartoons, real artwork images and an easily approachable biography that kids can relate easily with. I have found other curriculums that use these books as the "reading" source and I'm really pleased with these books. I love that my kids are learning about the works greatest artist.

This book was advertised as used but arrived with more scribbles inside than anticipated. However, there were no missing pages therefore I was able to read each page (between the scribbles) to my students.

It highlights the importance of who Matisse was and did in simple language that kids can easily understand. It also has great images of his work. It is part of one of the art kit we use for our Art Smart In Your Classroom program.

I bought all of the books in this series for our homeschool art curriculum. They are easy to read and a fun supplement that can lead to a nice trip to the Smithsonian Gallery of Art.

I love the artist books by Mike Venezia. He does a great job presenting each artist in a fun way for kids with bright and colorful pictures throughout the books.

This is an excellent learning tool for primary school children. I am adding it to my collection of other artists that they offer.

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