Series: Ivy + Bean
Paperback: 4 pages
Publisher: Chronicle Books; Box edition (October 1, 2008)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0811864952
ISBN-13: 978-0811864954
Product Dimensions: 5.6 x 2.2 x 7.5 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.8 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 4.6 out of 5 stars See all reviews (431 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #1,700 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #12 in Books > Children's Books > Literature & Fiction > Chapter Books & Readers > Chapter Books #88 in Books > Children's Books > Growing Up & Facts of Life > Friendship, Social Skills & School Life > Friendship #114 in Books > Children's Books > Action & Adventure
Age Range: 6 - 10 years
Grade Level: 1 - 5
My daughter received these books as a present for her 7th birthday. She is in the 1st grade, and enjoys Magic Rainbow Fairy books and Magic Treehouse books currently. Before she started in on this set, I decided to read the first chapter to get a "feel" for the book. I ended up reading well past that, because I was immediately concerned with Beans behavior and language. Bean seems a bit mean spirited and drags Ivy down with her. Running away to a neighbors yard in order to not get into trouble doesn't seemt to be a good message, regardless of the outcome. And using language like Ivy is Boring, a Dork and her sister Nancy is a Tightwad, doesn't appeal to me. I would rather my child read books where children speak and act respectfully. I let my daughter read the first book, but we had a discussion about Bean's behavior. I used it as a teaching tool of how Not to behave. But I would rather my child read books that present her with a positive role model than a negative one. I know some parents find these books engaging and humorous... but I had quite the opposite reaction. I found them rude and humorless.
I got this book from the library and could not believe my ears as I read it to my daughter. The name-calling between the sisters is relentless. Bean refers to nearly everything and everyone as "boring". She goes so far as to say: "Nice is another word for boring."My daughter, who is 5 and a half, asked me what a "tight wad" was. (Bean calls her sister a tight wad.) I'm so glad I didn't spend money on this. Our daughters deserve a better example. The author chose to represent the lead characters as trite, mean-girl complainers. Our daughters deserve books that include adventures, bravery, emotion and yes, plenty of silliness, which this book has none of.Here are some direct quotes: "Bean thought about kicking her sister in the shin...but then she got a great idea, one that would teach her sister not to be such a tightwad."-(Bean says about Ivy's clothes) "What a goony costume. What a dork!"-Bean says, "I'm the ghost of Mr. Killop. I lived in your house before. I died there. I've come to haunt you. Tonight while you are sleeping, I'll wrap my icy fingers around your neck!"Unfortunately I could go on and on. If you want a list of better books for girls there are great ones listed at Mighty Girls website: [....]
My six year old girl does not love to read. The only books I could get her excited about were the Junie B. Jones books--but they were awful for my daughter--she started to pick Junie's constant terrible words (hate, stupid, dumb). The Bean & Ivy books are so much better! Ivy and Bean are still crazy enough to make my daughter giggle, but the girls are much more like regular high spirited kids. I think there are about 7 books in the series so far-- we just finished the first 3. My daughter and I both had a fun time reading them together. She also loved the treasure box book that came with the set. I really hope the author will keep writing these great books.
My 7yr. old daughters received this as a present and within the first few pages I was ready to put it down. Words like dumb, booger head, boring, tightwad are all used within the first chapters. And worst of all their used by the main character and child Bean. When Bean's Mother encourages her to play with their neighbor she calls her boring and states I told you I just don't want to. What does the mother do, she dismisses this behavior and says have it your way. All of these words and this interaction made it clear that I could not have my nice and sweet girls read this. I'm surprised by all the positive ratings. Have they all read the book? Even if the characters decide to change their ways the language alone is not one I want my daughters to mimic.
My niece instantly fell in love with this series of books. Ivy & Bean the Secret Treasure Box is a box set of the first 3 books as well as an additional gift!!!As an adult, I, myself, found myself drawn to this box set. Containing the books: Ivy and Bean (book 1), Ivy, Bean and the Ghost that Had to Go (book 2) and Ivy and Bean Break the Fossil Record (book 3).We are introduced to two wonderful and adorable little girls - Ivy and Bean. Neither have very many friends and are urged by their mothers to "go play together" - neither are particularly enthusiastic as they do not seem to share anything in common. Yet, as soon as they get together they realize that they are fast becominng BFF (as my niece puts it!!!).What follows are 3 absolutely adorable books! The storyline in each is cute and quite unique. They are also quite educational (although I don't use this word around my niece) and surprisingly - the storylines are funny - and not corny. The illustrations are extremely well-done.I thought this book was very well priced (around $17.00) as this box set looks very professionally done.My niece, who is 9, went through all 3 books in record time asking me when the next one in the series would be out. BUT, her most favorite part of the box set was definitely the "gift" that came with it - a wonderful "diary" or "journal" which is perfect!!! I mean - I remember how excited I was to have my first diary when I was 10!! - It held all my precious secrets and my niece has made sure to start writing in it everyday - and to hide the diary so we "grown ups" can't find it!!!!!This is a great box set and I think would make a great gift for the reader or future readers in the home.
Ivy & Bean's Secret Treasure Box (Books 1-3) Ivy and Bean Bundle Set 2 (Books 4-6) Ivy + Bean + Me: A Fill-in-the-Blank Book Ivy and Bean Doomed to Dance (Book 6) Ivy and Bean (Book 1) Ivy and Bean Take the Case (Book 10) Take Care of the Babysitter (Ivy & Bean, Book 4) Bean By Bean: A Cookbook: More than 175 Recipes for Fresh Beans, Dried Beans, Cool Beans, Hot Beans, Savory Beans, Even Sweet Beans! Cool Metal Projects: Creative Ways to Upcycle Your Trash Into Treasure (Checkerboard How-To Library: Cool Trash to Treasure (Library)) The Treasure Principle: Unlocking the Secret of Joyful Giving (LifeChange Books) The Secret of the Ballet Book: (Kids Fantasy Books, Ballerina Fiction) (Kids Mystery, Girls Books Ages 9-12, Ballet Stories, Dance Books, Kids Books, Kids Fantasy Books Ages 9-12) 4-in-1 Treasure Box Set (Gigi, God's Little Princess) Top Secret Files: The Civil War: Spies, Secret Missions, and Hidden Facts from the Civil War (Top Secret Files of History) Secret Garden: An Inky Treasure Hunt and Coloring Book Secret Garden 2016 Wall Calendar: An Inky Treasure Hunt and 2016 Coloring Calendar Treasure Hunters: Secret of the Forbidden City My 't' Sound Box (Sound Box Books) Take Ivy Poison Ivy Makes Me Itch (Tell Me Why Library) Poison Ivy: Cycle of Life and Death