Thich Nhat Hanh: Paintings By Nicholas Kirsten-Honshin 2014 Wall Calendar
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Taoist and Buddhist symbols, and the gentle reflection of nature, meet and merge in Nicholas Kirsten-Honshin's artwork. The Thich Nhat Hanh wall calendar combines Honshin's graceful paintings with the words of Thich Nhat Hanh, renowned Zen master, peace activist, and author of over 60 books. Nicholas Kirsten-Honshin is influenced by the sacred meditational space of the transcendental archetypal symbols of Christianity, Zen and Tibetan Buddhism, as well as the shamanistic practices of the world's perennial philosophies. Thich Nhat Hanh's words have inspired many over the years to embark on a more peaceful and mindful path. Nominated for a Nobel Prize in 1967 by Dr. Martin Luther King, Nhat Hanh's gentle Buddhism teaches that transformation and inspiration are found in mindfulness of the present moment. Amber Lotus's other products featuring the art of Nicholas Kirsten-Honshin include greeting cards, a Thich Nhat Hanh mini calendar, and a Thich Nhat Hanh engagement calendar. Amber Lotus calendars have been illuminating spirit in the world for 25 years.

Calendar: 28 pages

Publisher: Amber Lotus; Wal edition (July 15, 2013)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1602377545

ISBN-13: 978-1602377547

Product Dimensions: 11.7 x 11.9 x 0.3 inches

Shipping Weight: 9.6 ounces

Average Customer Review: 4.9 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (27 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #926,951 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #15 in Books > Calendars > Inspirational #4591 in Books > Politics & Social Sciences > Philosophy > Eastern > Buddhism #184335 in Books > Religion & Spirituality

Thich Nhat Hanh speaks in a way that I can catch what he says ... not all Buddhist teachers do that for me, he does. I'm very happy to have a calendar of his wisdom teachings grace my wall. Recommend him as a teacher and this calendar as a visual friend to share a year with.

If one is spiritual and likes reminders and inspiration throughout the year that is a great calendar to have. His words are simple yet very helpful to abide by. I order this calendar every year for inspiration.

Wonderful calendar! I love Thich Nhat Hanh's writings and was so excited to see there is a calendar featuring him!To be honest, I like the calendar and the quotes so much I am month behind in flipping it. I like last months so much I just wont change it over.Waking up to his words always starts my day in a great way. I look forward to purchasing one next year featuring Thich Nhat Hanh!

I have been a follower of Thich Nhat Hahn For as long as I can remember. How wonderful to have his words of inspiration, and common sense of heart and soul, up on the wall to re-read each morning when I sit down to the computer. A true gift. Thanks to whomever makes this calendar for all of us who love him. Mindfulness is the way to true peace and joy. Believe it.

I love the work & respect the life of Thich Nhat Hanh, so I usually purchase a calendar of his writings each year. The art that accompanies the quotes is always a lovely accompaniment to his writing. Having this calendar on your wall helps to create a peaceful atmosphere & encourage mindfulness.

I have purchased several earlier calendars with Hanh's sayings for each month. If you are a reader of his books, the calendar and fine illustrations continue meditative thinking and resultant behavior on a daily basis. The illustrations are apprpriate to the writings and are wonderful to view.

We buy a Tich Nhat calender every year. Every month there's another beautiful picture and an inspirational message. It's big enough to write in the daily squares. I haven't found a nicer calender than these.

Been using this calendar for many years. It's always inspirational, with nice drawings. Includes holidays from a number of world cultures.

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