2016-2017 Lighthouses 2 Year Pocket Calendar
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Let this 24-month pocket calendar light your path from January 2016 through December 2017. Encased in a protective plastic covering, this perfect compact planner also includes a notes section, tip calculator, year overview and important dates pages. All calendar pages are printed on FSC certified paper and use environmentally safe inks.

Calendar: 28 pages

Publisher: Time Factory (August 16, 2015)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1624383769

ISBN-13: 978-1624383762

Product Dimensions: 0.2 x 3.8 x 6.8 inches

Shipping Weight: 0.3 ounces

Average Customer Review: 3.9 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (14 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #884,556 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #10 in Books > Calendars > Lighthouses

I have not bought this item. I am not sure what the best way to let the publisher know why this is, but I thought that they might read this, and it might help someone who is still looking at calendars. For people who carry a paper calendar around, it is nice to have the extra space on each month's page be blank. This gives us room to write any extra information that we need to keep track of--maybe an address for an appointment, certain expenses, etc. By making yours bright and pretty with fancy patterns, you eliminate this space that we use to keep track of extra information. No matter how pretty your calendars are, I'm not buying them because of this.

The pocket calendar is the perfect size and very nice. The only problem I had with it is that the weeks started with Monday. I am used to my calendars starting the week on Sunday. I bought another pocket calendar.

The name is: Lighthouses, but it should be: "the one lighthouse just on the cover because you won't find any other in its pages".I thought the other designs inisde the calendar were to cover the actual picture of different lighthouses but I was wrong.

I didn't realize that Sat and Sun would be lumped together at the end of each week barely allowing space for notes. Some people may need the space for the weekdays, but I need more space to write on Sat and Sun. I'll be looking for a different calendar.

nice pocket calendar

Instead of filling in the empty squares with the colorful design, they should have been left white (blank) so notes could be written in them.

The 2016-2017 Lighthouses pocket calendar is really nice. It is for a gift and I am pleased with it and know the person will like it.

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