Series: An Introduction to Civilizations Throughout Time
Paperback: 56 pages
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (May 6, 2016)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 152323427X
ISBN-13: 978-1523234271
Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 0.1 x 8.5 inches
Shipping Weight: 12.6 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 4.9 out of 5 stars See all reviews (39 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #586,944 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #22 in Books > Children's Books > Education & Reference > History > Renaissance #5118 in Books > Arts & Photography > History & Criticism > History
I’ve previously reviewed a few books from this series, and loved them. Carole P. Roman has a method of entertaining and engaging children that actually works. It’s easy to absorb some of the facts of the time period because she sticks you right in the middle of it. She doesn’t hide some of the stranger practices/ideas of the time. Instead she shoves them to the forefront to give parents or teachers and children something to discuss together. (Such as: not drinking water because everyone knew water was bad.)Then there’s a section on why the Renaissance was so important, and a brief look at famous people from the era. Roman does a great job in putting the changes in art in simple, easy to understand terms. Honestly, I wasn’t aware of all that had changed during that time, so it educated me too. Beyond the people that everyone’s familiar with (Da Vinci, Donatello, etc), she mentions some lesser known figures. For example: Artemesisia Gentileschi. She was apparently one of the most famous female painters of the time.The illustrations are solid, if not exciting. The information is enough to get your child interested without overwhelming them. The series, as a whole, is worth taking a look at, and would make a great addition to a classroom library. However, to be fair, there were a lot of errors in this book that should have been caught by a proof reader. It holds me back from giving it the rating I would have otherwise given it.Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book free from the author in exchange for an honest review.
IF YOU WERE ME AND LIVED IN…RENAISSANCE ITALY is a non-fiction book that explores what it would be like living in Florence, Italy as a young girl from a wealthy family during the time of the Renaissance. This is the second book in Carole P. Roman's new series that explores different time periods in history.The book explores what was happening in the world at that time, the homes they lived, what they ate, the clothes they wore, what they did for work and for amusement, and even marriage is discussed. The book explores the new developments in art, architecture, and science and how the world was changing. There is a section near the end of the book that gives a more detailed explanation of the importance of The Renaissance. In addition, there is another section that lists famous people from the period and place. Lastly, the book closes with a glossary of names and terms found throughout.My only complaint about the book is that it is told from the perspective of a wealthy young girl. Although it does explain how servants' lives were different, it isn't as detailed. I think the book would have been even more informative and interesting if the last part of the book displayed the life of a servant girl and how it contrasted in detail with that of a wealthy girl.Overall, IF YOU WERE ME AND LIVED IN…RENAISSANCE ITALY is an informative non-fiction book illustrating what life would have been like for a wealthy young girl living in Florence, Italy during the Renaissance.
We received this book to give an honest review.So in this story we are learning about how it was to live in Renaissance Italy in the 15th century. It is amazing how much has changed since that time period. We learn what your name may have been, to how houses looked to, what you may have worn.We get information on how people lived then and how some people were wealthy and some were not. I think this was a bit of an eye opener for K has he got to see the different jobs so to speak within this book. Like servants had to live at the top of the house where it was the hottest part to where they only had a certain outfit to wear. We also learn about the clothing, schooling and the giant carnival.At the end of the book is not only a glossary but information on famous people who were a part of the Renaissance along with why art was important.I really liked the pictures that were in this book especially the one that showed how the currency looked.I wonder what else the author will write about as far as time periods go as it is neat to learn new things that we didn't know before.Questions and Answers with K1. Did you like the book?"Yes"2. Was there anything in the book that you liked more?"I liked how they talked about the food they ate."3. Would you recommend this book?"Mom, you always ask me this question. I would tell my teacher to add this book to the classroom"
If you were me and live in...Renaissance Italy by Carole P. Roman is another wonderful book in her newest series about Civilizations Throughout Time. Her first series introduced culture and customs to elementary age and younger children and with this series, she brings history to life for older students. Engaging illustrations by Sylvia Brunetti tell what life in the city of Florence in Tuscany, Italy would have looked like in the late 1400s. The author takes the reader briefly through the emergence of the known world from the Middle Ages to a time of rebirth and reawakening of human creativity. With full-color pictures and easy-to-read text, readers learn about homes and workplaces, merchants and guilds, education, sometimes by a tutor, and the different foods and clothing of this exciting time in European history. Occasional questions throughout the book encourage reflection and discussion. The author has a section on the importance of the Renaissance to art which discusses the changes of perspectives, shading, balance and the focus on realistic subjects. Pictures of several famous artworks are displayed. Included at the end is a glossary of words, with pronunciations, and people from the Italian Renaissance era and three pages of pictures and short biographical descriptions of famous people from this period of time. An informative book that is sure to capture a child's interest and imagination.
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