Stories From The Crusades (Yesterday's Classics)
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Brings the Crusades to life through stories of its most famous participants. Relates how Peter the Hermit, with the Pope's blessing, gathers men to his side and leads the first crusade, resulting in the capture of Jerusalem and installation of Godfrey as defender of the holy sepulchre. After the Muslims recapture Jerusalem, three great kings of Europe vow to regain the Holy City: King Richard the Lionhearted of England, King Philip of France, and the Emperor Frederick of Germany. Despite winning many battles in this third crusade and capturing the city of Acre, they fail to win back the city of Jerusalem. King Louis of France launches the last crusade, but dies before achieving his objective. Throughout the narrative we meet all sorts of men. Some, like Bohemond and Baldwin, fight for selfish ends; others, such as Tancred and Louis, do battle like the great knights they are; while a few, Francis among them, carry goodwill wherever they go.

Paperback: 92 pages

Publisher: Yesterday's Classics; Large type edition edition (November 21, 2005)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1599150549

ISBN-13: 978-1599150543

Product Dimensions: 9 x 0.2 x 6 inches

Shipping Weight: 5.6 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: Be the first to review this item

Best Sellers Rank: #408,564 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #23 in Books > Children's Books > Education & Reference > History > Middle East

Age Range: Baby and up

Grade Level: Preschool and up

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