Courageous Women Of The Civil War: Soldiers, Spies, Medics, And More (Women Of Action)
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At the outbreak of the Civil War, nearly everybody was caught up in patriotic fervor—men and women, Union and Confederate. Many women supported soldiers through knitting and sewing needed items, growing food, making bandages, gathering medical supplies, and more. But others wished they could be closer to the fight. These women defied society’s expectations and bravely chose to take on more dangerous, unconventional roles. Courageous Women of the Civil War reveals the exploits of 16 of these remarkable women who served as medics, spies, battlefield helpers, and even soldiers on the front lines. Meet fascinating figures such as Maria Lewis, a former slave who fought with the Union cavalry as it swept through Virginia. Disguised as a white male soldier, she “put the fear of Hell” into Confederate enemies. Kady Brownell supported her husband’s Rhode Island regiment as a vivandière, training with the soldiers, fighting in battle, and helping the injured. Mary Carroll, a Missouri rebel, forged a copy of a jail cell key to break her brother out before his scheduled execution. These and other little-known stories are told through gripping narrative, primary source documents, and contextualizing sidebars. Civil War history is woven throughout, offering readers a clear overview of the era and the war. Also including numerous historic photos, source notes, and a bibliography, Courageous Women of the Civil War is an invaluable resource for any student’s or history buff’s bookshelf. 

Series: Women of Action

Hardcover: 256 pages

Publisher: Chicago Review Press (August 1, 2016)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1613732007

ISBN-13: 978-1613732007

Product Dimensions: 5.5 x 0.9 x 8.5 inches

Shipping Weight: 15.2 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (5 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #342,581 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #11 in Books > Teens > Education & Reference > History > United States > Civil War Period #56 in Books > Children's Books > Education & Reference > History > United States > Civil War Era #60 in Books > Teens > Biographies > Women

Age Range: 12 - 17 years

Grade Level: 7 and up

I really enjoyed reading this book, I found it to be extremely engaging and informative. I feel I learned more about the civil war reading this book than I did in both my high school and my college history courses. The author did an amazing job gathering sources, which then enabled her to provide quotes from letters and diaries that helped bring these women to life. I'd love to meet some of these women, they are amazing, and they truly feel real to me now. I highly recommend this book to anyone with a teenager, who teaches high school, or who is just interested in history. I think some middle school students would even enjoy this book.

I wouldn't normally pick up a nonfiction book on the Civil War. That being said, I loved this book! I enjoyed every story. These women were amazing. So much information packed into an approachable, easy-to-read format. I'm proud to have this one on my shelf, and I look forward to having my daughter read it.

It is a great book and kept my interest with intriguing facts and great story line throughout the whole book.

The book is excellent and all ages would like to read it. The Civil War and wonderful stories of the women.

Good book! Great researcher with stories to tell!

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