Publisher: Dateworks; 16m Wal edition (August 1, 2015)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1438841302
ISBN-13: 978-1438841304
Product Dimensions: 11.5 x 11.5 x 0.1 inches
Shipping Weight: 5.6 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 4.7 out of 5 stars See all reviews (39 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #350,270 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #32 in Books > Calendars > Science Fiction & Fantasy #226 in Books > Calendars > Movies
I bought this as part of my boyfriend's birthday present as he is quite the huge Star Wars fan lol he really loves it, especially since he really needed a new calendar for the new year. He loves the images, and said that they were really cool. :) I believe that he mentioned something about images being in there from all of the episodes and not just the recent one that came out. He really loved that.
Had to have it, I am a TOTAL Star Wars Fan since 1977, and it was perfect timing since we are at the beginning of the year. No spoilers thou if you wanna see the pics you will have to buy one for yourself but I can say they are all excellent. And when the year is over I will be making a collage with the pics from each month.WIN, WIN and I HIGHLY recommend for any die hard Star wars Fan. Full price purchase I am just sharing my experience with hope that it will help out any other consumers who are interested in this calendar, you will not be disappointed!!
Great calendar! It is your standard sized calendar with very high quality images that span from the top page to the lower page without disrupting the blocks that the days are on. You can easily write on this calendar on any dates with no interruption from the image. It is a 16-month calendar but the first four months are from 2015. This one will only get you until December 2016. I love this calendar and would recommend it to any Star Wars fan!
The Good: The calendar has great looking, quality pictures and most star wars fans will love it. Also its pretty cheapThe Bad: There isn't much variety of characters in the pictures. The 12 pictures are broken down as- 3 of Kylo, 3 of stormtroopers, 1 of Phasma, 1 of Rey, 2 of Rey and Finn, 1 of Chewie, and 1 of the droids. None of the pictures have (Spoilers!!!) Finn or Rey with the lightsaber or any of the original main cast so thats a pretty big dissapointment. And the corners on mine were pretty bent and banged up when I got it.Overall the pictures arent bad but the lack of action pictures, the focus on the generic stormtroopers, and the lack of lightsabers (except for Kylo) makes this just an alright calendar. I got it for a few bucks so I'm that upset but this calendar feels like it was quickly thrown together without much thought of getting the real characters in it. Unfortuanetly I haven't been able to find any other solely Force Awakens calendars that differ in terms of pictures from this one so its this or nothing I guess
With the latest installment of the Star Wars movies and all the hype surrounding it, you're probably already familiar with several of the new characters in this calendar. The animated series, toys, and Disney tie-ins have added to things turning Star Wars into a larger juggernaut than it ever was. Oh, and don't forget the Lego and video games with Star Wars themes. You can't go wrong with this calendar for kids. Most of them will be thrilled with it.The calendar is sturdy and well made. The images are crisp and glossy. The printing and spacing is great and perfect for making tiny marks or very tiny notes in. I hadn't found another Episode VII calendar at the time of my purchase so I went with this one. Overall, I'm quite satisfied with it.My one gripe is with the fact that generic characters are featured too many times. Do we really need 3 months of stormtroopers? There are enough characters to choose from that they should not have had any trouble finding more known and interesting characters to use for those months. Imagine if a calendar for superheroes spent three pages on generic henchmen. You wouldn't be too pleased, would you? I realize that the stormtroopers are a little more than generic henchmen but they're certainly not characters with names. That aside, this is a good calendar. I hope they pick better characters for the next one. My daughter didn't like their choices either. So I'm forced to take away one star.
Found this for my daughters boyfriend during the holidays. I was super excited to have been able to find it during a flash sale!I had it sent to her work, and she was able to wrap it without him having any idea that we had gotten it for him.It has all the neat features you would expect in a calendar and looks super cool in his office.
4 year old son loves Star Wars. We used this calendar to teach him the difference in days, dates, and months. Pictures seem more like paintings than actual screen shots, but that could just be me. Paper is thick so easily hung January without having the weight of the calendar rip the hole.
I am fan of Star Wars and when I saw a calandar was for sell I had to have one. The pictures of each month I love. It was package plastic with a cardboard insert to keep it from getting bent. It arrived in great condition from the supplier. I was very pleased with this purchase. If you are a fan or know someone that is you have to get this.
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