365 Quotes Page-a-Day Notepad And 2014 Calendar
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“Tomorrow is often the busiest day of the week.”—Spanish proverbCalendar: check. Notepad: check. To-do list: check. Mouse pad: check. Insightful, inspiring, or humorous quote to get the day off to an upbeat start: check. 365 Quotes is the brand-new calendar that keeps every day organized no matter how much you have on your plate. Write it all down: appointments, reminders, grocery lists, your latest idea for the Great American Novel. Note:This product is a tear-away notepad calendar.

Calendar: 320 pages

Publisher: Workman Publishing Company; Pag edition (August 15, 2013)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0761175938

ISBN-13: 978-0761175933

Product Dimensions: 8.8 x 5.8 x 1.1 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.6 pounds

Average Customer Review: 3.3 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (24 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #1,177,311 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #53 in Books > Calendars > Quotations #230425 in Books > Religion & Spirituality

I've purchased these handy page-a-day NOTEPAD calendars for a few years now. I liked them best a few year's ago when it was just the day/quote taking up a small portion of the layout with the majority of the space for writing notes/to-do lists. Then they added annoying tiny crossword or sudoko option. This year the games are gone (great!) but the date takes up HALF the entire page and a hideous/large font is used for the quote leaving a TINY space to write notes. The entire reason to purchase this item is for the NOTEPAD!!!! The 2014 layout is unappealing and makes no sense. PLEASE publisher, reformat for 2015 with more space to write notes.

I buy whatever version comes out because it's perfect for a daily to do list. I've used the sudoku and crossword version as well, but realized I never have time for a puzzle. A thought provoking quote is just fine!

I buy this Page-A-Day Notepad every year. I love that I can use the right side as a daily calendar for appts, sports practices for my kids, etc and the left side as my daily to-do list. It is so rewarding at the end of each day to rip off the page and throw it away once I've accomplished everything.

I loved this calendar format for years but now it is useless - the entire purpose was to be able to capture a day's worth of notes and todos easily; now you have 25% useable space. Horrible change

I have been getting a boxed daily calendar for myself for years. This is the first year that I've seen the notepad, and I love it. I like the feel of the paper, the simple quote, and the large date. I was a little worried about the larger size, but I found a convenient spot for it on my desk. The ease in writing and checking things off is increasing my productivity. Because I read that some people had problems with the binding being loose, I put some tape on it to keep it all together - not really needed, but I did it just in case. I like the daily reminder of the day, date, month, and year and having it all on non-shiny paper so that it's easy to write on. I will definitely be buying this calendar next year!

I buy a quote calendar every year, the page-a-day kind. This year I didn't look closely enough and would up with this thing, a 6 x 9 notepad, not the easel kind I actually wanted. (The dimensions in the description are incorrect.) The quotes are better than those in the last Workman product I bought ("Keep Calm & Carry On"), but the large size doesn't work for me.The layout is also kind of grotesque. Not for me.Jerry

Didn't even make it a month! Mine is falling apart! I can't believe I have to buy another calendar the first month of the year! To top it off - there is no room to write anything if you have over a few items! Not one to usually complain - but very disappointed!

I bought this for a co-worker. she was so excited when she first saw it. then she took it out of the box and it fell apart. so it is just sitting there while we try to figure out a way to keep the pages together and still allow her to use it. I have looked but cannot find a base for it that would help with the situation. Will not buy another one next year for sure.

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