The 365 Stupidest Things Ever Said Page-A-Day Calendar 2010
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Oh, the stupidity! The #1 bestselling black-and-white Page-A-Day calendar is back with more hilarious celebrity gaffes, bureaucratic idiocy, malapropisms, and d'oh! moments. Outrageous excuses for not serving in Vietnam: "So many minority youths had volunteered...that there was literally no room for patriotic folks like myself" (former congressman Tom DeLay). Plus strange headlines, badly thought-out business names (Titanic Tours & Travel), and entertainers who just don't get it: "I want an autobiography without revealing any personal information whatsoever" (Diana Ross to her editor).

Calendar: 320 pages

Publisher: Workman Publishing Company; Pag edition (July 15, 2009)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0761149708

ISBN-13: 978-0761149705

Product Dimensions: 6.2 x 2 x 6.2 inches

Shipping Weight: 1 pounds

Average Customer Review: 3.9 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (133 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #2,639,399 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #96 in Books > Calendars > Quotations #1159 in Books > Calendars > Humor & Comics #2507 in Books > Reference > Quotations

Okay, it sounds like an oxymoron, but it's not. This is very funny stuff here, but you need a certain intelligence to get it. All I know is that, unlike what is said to be funny these days, this calendar made me laugh a lot. There's so much scope here: inanities from celebrities (this is an easy one, no?), politicians doing their usual hot air act, and so on. Bottom line: I needed a laugh, and this calendar definitely delivered! I recommend this based on my flip through and am planning to buy some as gifts now. We all need a laugh these days, especially here in New York.

If you like getting a laugh a day, you will certainly enjoy this. I ordered one for myself and have already begun to read it, well before the New Year. I started laughing and didn't stop. There is a great cross-section of humor here. My personal favorites are the very bizarre typos that appear in newspapers and, of course, the quotes from politicians. On the flip side, for serious and truly thought-provoking wisdom I have been enjoying a little book by Taro Gold called 'Open Your Mind, Open Your Life.'

This is a page-a-day, so you're supposed to wait for the next day before you look, right? Sorry, can't do it. This great calendar is too funny to wait -- I usually end up reading ahead a month or two, jut to keep myself going. Then on the next day, I read the old stuff again for another good laugh (what a full life I lead!!). Seriously, this is a seriously funny calendar, with all the unintentionally humorous stuff that mostly famous people say (or write). Thanks to the Petras' for this annual tummy tickler -- keep 'em coming!

I've been buying this as a Christmas gift for my husband for more than ten years. He puts each day's up on his bulletin board at work, and people stop by--some every day--to read the newest one. They thank him for putting some humor into their days. If I quit buying this daily calendar, my husband wouldn't be the only one objecting.

Bought this after reading their book and love it. (I've read through June already.) If you want to laugh every morning, this is the calendar you need. Each day gives me at least a chuckle, but usually a good loud belly laugh. Great stuff here.

This will be my third year with this laughable lunacy. One could say that I'm addicted at this point. I recieved my first Stupidest calendar as a gift and now buy one for myself, in addition to buying them as gifts for others. The best thing in my mind: Rather than being one single type of humor, it's a collection of different forms -- quotes from people in the public eye, odd headlines, misbegotten newspaper typos, mistranslations. It covers a wide range -- a veritable cornucopia of hilarity, if you will. Highly recommended for personal use or gift-giving.

I really love this calendar -- my only problem is I always read ahead at least a month, then have to wait for the next month to get new stuff -- call me frustrated! Can't wait for next year's to come out.

For misquoting December 7th, 2012 to some random sportscaster instead of the true source being "Animal House."One Star for you, for mischaracterizing someone as stupid.

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