Twirled Paper: Make Almost Anything With Simple Paper Strips (Klutz)
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Quilling is the 500-year-old art of curling strips of paper to make decorative scrollwork doodads. Thirty projects with step-by-step instructions are detailed throughout this book which comes with over 100 brightly colored paper strips, a twirling wand, googly eyes and glue. Whimsical charm meets unlimited potential. Thank heaven for little twirls.Comes With: 100 colored paper strips, twirling wand, 9 sets of googly eyes in 3 sizes, glue• Create wonderful things • Be good • Have fun

Series: Klutz

Spiral-bound: 60 pages

Publisher: Klutz; Book and Access edition (2004)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1570548080

ISBN-13: 978-1570548086

Product Dimensions: 9 x 8.2 x 1 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.1 pounds

Average Customer Review: 4.6 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (111 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #173,374 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #19 in Books > Children's Books > Activities, Crafts & Games > Crafts & Hobbies > Papercrafts #1520 in Books > Children's Books > Arts, Music & Photography

Age Range: 10 and up

Grade Level: 5 and up

Ever found yourself rolling up odd bits of paper, cinema ticket stubs, food wrappers, etc. in a moment of distraction? Well this is your lucky day my friend; you could put that undiscovered skill to use in an old art form known as quilling. Want a fast greeting card? A clever gift package tag decoration? A cute accent in your memory book? Something to frame and hang on your wall? Quilling will do the job nicely while impressing the heck out of your friends and it's just plain *easy*. Really! Once you see the simple diagrams in the step-by-step photo layouts you'll be asking yourself why you never thought to do this yourself.In a nutshell, you take various lengths of narrow, colored paper strips, twirl them tightly around a special quilling tool (or a toothpick, or a stick pin if you're really advanced) and glue them down in various configurations to make artistic shapes. You could form realistic looking flowers, birds, bugs, an alphabet of letters, and even cartoony animals. Talk about a cheap hobby, especially if you take the time to cut your own strips of paper. Or, just make them by running them through a paper shredder.Twirled Paper is one of those Klutz kit books that has everything you need to get started on quilling, or "paper twirling" as Klutz calls it. Here's what is included with the book: a lot of colorful narrow paper strips, a quilling tool, glue and several googly eyes (for the animals you'll make). The book itself is a practical spiral-bound to lay flat, the pages are made out of that slick wipe-clean type cardstock. After a simple section on pinching and finger shaping your coils, you're off to things like fish, UFOs, cats and flowers.

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