DK Readers L2: Star Wars: Bounty Hunters For Hire
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Who are the mysterious and dangerous bounty hunters? Meet Boba Fett and his fellow bounty hunters and learn all of their scary secrets in this new Level 2 Star Wars Reader from DK!

Series: DK Readers

Paperback: 32 pages

Publisher: DK Children (March 18, 2013)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1465410171

ISBN-13: 978-1465410177

Product Dimensions: 5.9 x 0.1 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 2.7 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.6 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (23 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #281,972 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #72 in Books > Children's Books > Arts, Music & Photography > Performing Arts > Film #3397 in Books > Children's Books > Literature & Fiction > Chapter Books & Readers > Beginner Readers

Age Range: 6 - 8 years

Grade Level: 1 - 3

Loved it! I ordered a few star wars things for my sons birthday, and this one came early....thank you. I love being prepared. Im so glad that he loves to read, especially when its about things he enjoys.

My 7 year old son liked this book, but actually ordered this one to replace it for his school library since his younger brother decided to do a durability test on the cover. The book itself wasn't hurt and the 7 year old has read it multiple times.

Book is just what I expected but took 2 months to arrive! I ordered 2 Star Wars readers at the same time and one arrived in 2 days (with Prime). My boy had already moved past his love for Boba Fett when this finally showed up.

"Watch your step!"Some creatures are friendly."Other creatures are dangerous."Recently, my little one discovered Star Wars, and fell in love. This cute little book is written for young readers, and it features all sorts of strange creatures from Star Wars: The Clone Wars. And I must say that it was a huge hit! My little reader was very happy to have Star Wars books to read, and they were just right. We both highly recommend them!

Ever have that moment when you are reading a book to your child and you are asking yourself "Why am I reading this" -- that's what happened with this book. I felt the content of this story was a bit much for my 5 year old. Reading about bounty hunters kidnapping and extinguishing others brought up topics that I am not ready to introduce. We've removed this from the collection until a later date.

~borrowed from the LibraryBOBA FETT: JEDI HUNTER is from DK's Clone Wars series. This series of books does not have pictures from the movies but animation stills. This book has 817 words (large font) and is at the mid-3rd Grade Reading level.This book is basically a Baba Fett biography. It tells about his father Jango and about his desire to assassinate the sinister Mace Windu.I-personally don't find most of the Clone Wars books to be all that intriguing but this one seems particularly well written. The author, Clare Hibbert, brings some excitement and intrigue into history.As with all of the books that I review where I give a grade level, this one has an Accelerated Reader test available for teachers to use. I've personally found that less motivated readers will 'push' themselves so that they can read these Star Wars books.

Dr Seuss would be proud."Don't Wake the Zillo Beast" introduces the Star Wars Universe to young readers, and most particularly, beasts and dangerous animals. Clear pronunciation guides, and large kid friendly images make this a good book for kindergarten to grade one or two.See the Zillo Beast eat the grass. Num..numm...The Clone Wars are sure to continue for a LOOOONNNNNG time with books like this.Tim Lasiuta

This is the best book ever it tells you about all the bounty Hunters including boba fett it is so much fun to read and it even has an little quiz in the back like Don't read the other comments just go get it now$$$$$:))))))))!!!!!!!

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