Age Range: 2 and up
Series: First Look and Find
Board book: 16 pages
Publisher: Publications International (August 1, 2007)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1412788277
ISBN-13: 978-1412788274
Product Dimensions: 11.4 x 9.4 x 1 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.8 pounds
Average Customer Review: 4.9 out of 5 stars See all reviews (15 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #1,853,970 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #61 in Books > Children's Books > Activities, Crafts & Games > Activity Books > Hidden Picture
I must've had a bit of wine and then done some online Christmas shopping, because I really don't remember buying this. But I have a little niece and nephew who love Nemo, so it's plausible. Add to that my love of wine and online shopping, and it's even more likely that this is exactly what happened. God I hope I got a deal!
Great book for my 2-year old. Some of the puzzles are just right for him and there are a few that will keep him busy for a couple of months.
It's a beautiful book. We purchased it for our grandson. He was around 3 1/2 years old. He has other "Find" books that are harder to search out. I think this one was just a little too easy for him. I would highly recommend it for 3 & younger though.
My daughters love these look and finds....high quality board books perfect for toddlers (about age 2 if you actually want them to be the pictures but a great fun book even for younger children)
At first I was conflicted about this book for my 2yo. It was licensed by Disney and featured Nemo, but the pictures are not even close to how he looks in the movie. It almost looks like a Nemo knock-off book. You'll have to see it yourself to see what I'm talking about. Despite this, my 2yo (who loves the Nemo franchise) really enjoys this book. It is basically an "I spy" type book centered in the Nemo universe. I just don't understand the art style. Ultimately, I would recommend it.
1) First and foremost, I recommend any of the First Look and Finds!!! By far the most instrumental tool we have in teaching our young talker new words. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED no matter which book you choose.1) First and foremost, I recommend any of the First Look and Finds!!! By far the most instrumental tool we have in teaching our young talker new words. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED no matter which book you choose.2) All First Seek and Find books are very durable. Thick, sturdy pages. Easy to clean if needed. They hardly wear at all. For these reasons, I think buying the used ones for $4 (a penny plus $3.99 shipping) on is just fine.3) About us: Our boy is 22 months old and has LOVED these First Look and Find Books from about 18 months on. We own 8 of these and have rented even more from the library.4) I think this particular Finding Nemo book is just ok. It is not is as challenging as some of the other look and find books. The pages are full of fish, sharks and other sea life.... which is to be expected based on the theme, but overall it feels slightly repetitive when compared to other books of this sort. I do like that one page teaches about the colors and our boy especially likes the page about the dentist office (but than again, he loves getting his teeth brushed... and I like how I can relate it to an activity in our every day life.)5) On the other hand, our son would probably disagree. Sometimes weeks he seems to find it repetitive and flips though this particular book rather quickly. Other weeks, it's the first one he wants to read.5) Either way, these books are far better than the I SPY level one books (board books or paperback) in my opinion. The board books only have 2 objects to find per page, the paperbacks have 4-5 objects per page. Most First Seek and Find books have 6-8 objects per page. More to look at and find in each book, so he stays interested longer.
My daughter loves Finding Nemo and for at least a month, this was her favorite book. We both had a lot of fun learning how to find things on the pages and the book does a good job having some easy pages to build confidence and some more difficult pages, to learn more finding skills.
My grandson LOVES the movie FINDING NEMO. When I saw this book, I grabbed it quick. He loves the book. Has not found all the hidden articles yet, but this means he can grow up a bit with the book and his favorite story. The illustrations are beautiful.
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