The Butterfly Alphabet (tr Pb)
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I first thought this book was an alphabet book for young children, such as to help teach them the alphabet. This is more like a book that would be kept on a coffee table by an adult that adores butterflies. I still love it despite my misconception!This is an amazing work. The author is actually a nature photographer who accidentially noticed that some patterns on butterfly's wings are shaped like letters of the English alphabet while looking at the wings under a microscope. He then took very close photographs of the "letters". He then went around the world hoping to find each of the 26 letters in our alphabet; this journey took 25 years. Now that is a labor of love!The end result is this: on the left side of the page is a full color photo of the entire butterfly. One sentence describing butterflies with one of the words beginning with that letter of the alphabet is written in very poetic language that would be most appreciated by adults or anyone who enjoys poetry. Note that the featured letter is written in capital only and in script style so this is of no use to preschoolers who need to see both capital and lower case letters in PRINT. The name of the butterfly is then given. On the right side of the page is a huge photograph of the close up that shows the pattern on the wings that looks just like the featured letter of the alphabet.Incredible! Interesting!This would be of interest to anyone who is interested in butterflies. Possibly a good tool to show when introducing microscopes and what they can reveal and also when teaching about butterflies and science/nature.

This is a beautiful work for anyone who loves butterflies. I often pick it up and browse its pages, admiring the beauty in nature. It can be read and reread numerous times. The photographs are wonderful, and the idea is ingenious!

This book is truely a great book for kids. Not only is it educational but it is also fun. Kids can try to find the letters that are hidden in the butterflys wings. They can take that and use it when they see butterflys around the yard. I'm an elementary education major in college and I would definitely use this in my future classroom for a unit on butterflys, and also just as a fun book. In the back of the book information is provided on all the butterflys and moths that are in the book.

You just have to order the from the author. In the packet I received from the author there were some beautiful personalized items in it. The book itself is incredible and have it sitting under the poster of the butterfly alphabet.

The more you pay, the more its worth. I bought a nice, cheaper knock-down copy of the original book - which is actually selling for a lot of serious money. It is still a lovely book. But it is obviously a used library copy, with a paperback binding, and lower picture and paper quality. Fine for my needs. But if you want a really nice one, go to at least the medium pricings. And if you want the true art-quality copy, you are going to have to pay for it.

it is so creative and amazing. what a wonderful view of how beautiful nature is.

This book is Awesome and such a must have in the library! The pictures are beautiful there is wonderful butterfly identification info for every "letter." The only thing I am bummed about is, I bought the book specifically to learn the identity of the butterflies and moths used for the Famous "Butterfly Alphabet " Poster by the same artist, but the alphabet letters in the book are comprised of completely different butterflies. So I guess my quest for the names of the butterflies in the poster CONTINUES!

This is a delightful book with scientific information about the butterflies as well as a beautiful poem and close up photos of the letters of the alphabet on the butterflies' wings. Check out the author's posters, as well.

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