Little Fish: A Memoir
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Told through real-life journals, collages, lists, and drawings, this coming-of-age story illustrates the transformation of an 18-year-old girl from a small-town teenager into an independent city-dwelling college student. Written in an autobiographical style with beautiful artwork, Little Fish shows the challenges of being a young person facing the world on her own for the very first time and the unease—as well as excitement—that comes along with that challenge.

Hardcover: 272 pages

Publisher: Zest Books (September 3, 2013)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1936976188

ISBN-13: 978-1936976188

Product Dimensions: 5.5 x 0.8 x 8.2 inches

Shipping Weight: 15.5 ounces

Average Customer Review: 4.3 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (39 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #244,740 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #5 in Books > Teens > Art, Music & Photography > Art > Biographies #30 in Books > Children's Books > Comics & Graphic Novels > Biographies #125 in Books > Children's Books > Biographies > Art

Age Range: 12 and up

Grade Level: 7 and up

Recently I complimented a picture book author by saying that thanks to her, I desire to read more picture books. Now I'm going to extend a similar compliment to Ramsey Beyer. Thanks to her college memoir, Little Fish, I wish to read more graphic novels. If you read Beyer's Behind the Scenes of Little Fish, you'll discover that as part of planning for her memoir, Beyer outlined the plot points that she wanted to hit, from leaving best friends to making new ones, to navigating a new city, to meeting a romantic interest. The combination of all of these certainly has the potential to make for an interesting memoir, no matter the style. The graphic novel format, though, of combining comics, drawings, lists, and journal entries is ultimately what made Little Fish such a unique reading experience.On many levels, I related to Beyer's memoir. Although for college I moved from one small town to another small town, the latter proved so different that it similarly pulled me out of my comfort zone. Beyer and I both experienced warmer weather year round, our first exposure to a racially diverse population, and encountered new foods and more radical lifestyles. While our selection of schools might have differed, mine being an all-women's college and hers being an art school, our selections strongly affected our college experience. Beyer chose hers because she wanted to focus on creative endeavors, while I chose mine because I wanted to attend a women's college. To a certain extent, for better or worse, we both realized our goals. Beyer ended up discovering the world of animation, comics, and storytelling, which led to the creation of her two novels. I enjoyed getting to dress up on special occasions in gowns, gloves, and heels.

Ramsey Beyer is 18 years old and about to leave her small town life to become an independent big city college freshman. And she wants to share her story. In Little Fish, Ramsey share's with her us her first hand thoughts of tackling the new challenges that face her in the big city and growing up away from the friends and family she's known all of her life. Told through Ramsey's journals, collages, lists, and drawings she shares with he her transformation in the time before her move up to the end of her first year of college, in this great autobiographical tale.Even though some of the drawings were done within the last couple of years, everything was based upon what she wrote in her journal. Ramsey even shares some of the actual pages from her journal, the lists that she created of things that she wanted to do or would miss while moving away from everyone that she knows. This is a great first hand account of what it's like to leave everything that you know and get out into the real world. It's awkward at times, especially as Ramsey navigates dating for the first time, but why wouldn't it be? She captures everything that we as readers have felt at some point or another in our lifetime.This is such a great way to put together and share a story. Drawings that have an innocence about them, pages from real life journal, type written lists, crumpled pages creating has it all. There's a lot of visual interests to keep the reader going back for more to see what they missed the first time around, but never feeling overwhelmed by what's there.

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