Escape To Gold Mountain: A Graphic History Of The Chinese In North America
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This is a vivid graphic history of the Chinese experience in North America over the last 150 years, beginning with the immigration of Chinese to "Gold Mountain" (the Chinese colloquialism for North America) in the 1800s that resulted in decades of discrimination, subjugation, and separation from loved ones. Based on historical documents and interviews with elders, the book is also the epic story of the Wong family as they traverse these challenges with hope and determination, creating an immigrant's legacy in their new home of North America.David H.T. Wong is an architect and historian.

Paperback: 256 pages

Publisher: Arsenal Pulp Press (October 30, 2012)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1551524767

ISBN-13: 978-1551524764

Product Dimensions: 6.9 x 0.6 x 9.8 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.2 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (10 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #279,408 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #31 in Books > Children's Books > Comics & Graphic Novels > History #127 in Books > Politics & Social Sciences > Social Sciences > Specific Demographics > Asian American Studies #167 in Books > Comics & Graphic Novels > Graphic Novels > Historical & Biographical Fiction

Age Range: 12 and up

Grade Level: 6 and up

Escape to Gold Moun­tain : A Graphic His­tory of the Chi­nese in North Amer­ica by David H.T. Wong is a graphic novel telling the story of the Chi­nese immi­gra­tion to the United States and Canada. Mr. Wong is an Asia Cana­dian activist and an archi­tect in Vancouver.The graphic novel is laden with dis­honor and mis­ery as is the his­tory of Chi­nese immi­gra­tion to North Amer­ica. The Chi­nese encoun­tered lynches, sub­ju­ga­tion racial, cul­tural and legal dis­crim­i­na­tion from both countries.I do remem­ber learn­ing in school (but mainly on my own) about Chi­nese rail­road work­ers in the United States. I did not real­ize how badly they were treated after they fin­ished work­ing and that the same thing hap­pened in Canada. The graphic novel shows very clearly how badly these work­ers were mis­treated as well as their ances­tors who stuck around either unable or unwill­ing to go back to China.This graphic novel is an excel­lent intro­duc­tion to the com­plex issue of Chi­nese immi­gra­tion and is told from the Chi­nese point of view. The graphic nov­els cov­ers the indi­vid­ual head tax (up to $500, a price of a house) to enter Amer­ica as well as the 1882 Chi­nese Exclu­sion Act that basi­cally elim­i­nated Chi­nese immi­gra­tion as well as other leg­is­la­tion, lynch­ings and atrocities.The story fol­lows the Wong fam­ily through the gen­er­a­tions and how strong fam­ily bonds helped sur­vive eco­nomic hard­ships, dis­crim­i­na­tion and rough times all around. The author used his­tor­i­cal resources, inter­views as well as fam­ily sto­ries to tell his tale.The art­work is sim­ple but effec­tive enough to con­vey the infor­ma­tion pre­sented and move the story along.

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