I Love My New Toy! (An Elephant And Piggie Book)
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Gerald is careful. Piggie is not.Piggie cannot help smiling. Gerald can.Gerald worries so that Piggie does not have to.Gerald and Piggie are best friends.In I Love My New Toy!, Piggie can't wait to show Gerald her brand new toy. But will an accidentally broken toy accidentally break a friendship?

Series: An Elephant and Piggie Book

Hardcover: 64 pages

Publisher: Disney-Hyperion; 1 edition (June 3, 2008)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1423109619

ISBN-13: 978-1423109617

Product Dimensions: 6.8 x 0.2 x 9.2 inches

Shipping Weight: 4 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.9 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (71 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #8,260 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #31 in Books > Children's Books > Animals > Elephants #45 in Books > Children's Books > Animals > Pigs #226 in Books > Children's Books > Literature & Fiction > Chapter Books & Readers > Beginner Readers

Age Range: 4 - 8 years

Grade Level: Preschool - Kindergarten

Mo Willems, the master of simplicity, conveys the gamut of porcine and elephant emotion with eyeball placement, stance, and just a few lines to suggest motion. With those simple elements, Willems has created one of the most memorable series in little kids' books. Each book is a small little gem, enjoyable by both children and adults (although adults will enjoy Willems primarily for his wry sense of humor, and ability to elicit laughter from simple situations, and an economy of language.Here, Piggie (full of wide-eyed enthusiasm) shows Elephant his new toy, a kind of ball and stick contraption that resembles something you'd make out of tinkertoys. As usual, the problem--not knowing what how to play with the toy--really isn't that big, unless you're an excitable youngster with a new but puzzling toy.Elephant, without a clue, suggests it might be a flying toy, and hurls it into the air. The toy crash lands and breaks. Piggie looks out at us without speaking; his heartbreak is evident. Elephant is crestfallen, sorry about what he has done. This unhappy state of affairs is turned about by a squirrel, obviously up on his toy trends, who informs them that it's one the new snap-together toys. In other words, it's supposed to break into pieces, because you can snap them right back together again!They both still seem puzzled, especially elephant. In fact, in a rare departure for Willems, elephant's emotions are a little obscure. I'm not sure if this was intentional ("so, how do you think the elephant feels?") or not, but the lack of clarity lasts a couple pages too long.

My husband, my daughter (just turned two years old), and I absolutely LOVE the Elephant and Piggie books. They are our all time favorite set, and we read them every single night before bed time.If you are not familiar with the Elephant and Piggie books, here is what you need to know.1.) Gerald (the elephant) is a boy and Piggie is a girl. They are both hilarious, and you and your child will grow to love them.2.) The text is in speech bubbles throughout all the stories. These are easy reads, with few difficult vocabulary words for even the youngest readers. These are only a few words on most pages. I highly recommend previewing one or more books before purchasing.3.) They are funny. Most books have a clever twist at the end that everyone gets a kick out of.4.) They look terrific as a set. We own all of the books, and they look great lined up on our bookshelf. The book covers are very nice and sturdy. These are actually the ONLY books we've ever purchased new (all others were gifts or thrift store finds. We are penny pinchers, but these books are WORTH the dollars as they are terrific and look awesome).If you ARE familiar with the books, here's what you need to know about THIS book.1.) This is the ONLY book of Elephant and Piggie book that I rate four stars instead of five. The reason is simple. It's not the story, as it is quite good. In fact, it's just one page in the book. Elephant apologizes to Piggie, and Piggie's response is "I do not care!" This isn't exactly something I want my parrot of a two-year-old repeating when people apologize to her, so I purposely modify this line when I read it. Not horrible, but certainly not the positive messages that most of the Elephant and Piggie books give.2.

We *LOVE* Elephant & Piggie books in our family! So simple but convey so much emotion that kids of all ages can identify with. If you love to laugh, these books are for you. We've read every one of them, and not one is a disappointment! You just really can't go wrong with any one of these totally cute, funny books. The bonus? These books turned around a situation that was developing into a big negative and struggle.In kindergarten, my son picked up reading with ease. By the end he was freakishly excellent at reading and testing four grades ahead of his own. Enter next in line, sister. In kindergarten, she is a regular kid and reading comes to her at the usual speed. This would be fine if she hadn't already been reading with brother super-reader, setting her expectations unreasonably high for herself. My kids and I have been reading before bed every night since they were born, and since becoming old enough, the three of us together, every night. My daughter was keenly aware of her brother's reading development as he had taken over the duties from me. As my daughter began to read, the requirement from school was for her to read at home. Her experience was quickly becoming a very negative one as she would struggle with every word, and her brother would become impatient and want to help, further frustrating her... and on it went every night. She was exhausted and frustrated by the end of 10min. I feared she would end up like me - never reading a book unless assigned in school, until her brother was born, because I read so slow and couldn't keep up with my own attn. span. I also recognized that the books for her reading level contained many words that were above her abilities, not real words (further confusing things) and frankly, above the reading level of the target audience.

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