Buenas Noches, Luna (Goodnight Moon, Spanish Edition)
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En una gran habitación verde, arropado en su cama, está un conejito. -- Buenas noches, habitación. -- Buenas noches, Luna -- dice el conejito. Y así sucesivamente, le da las buenas noches a todas las cosas que reconoce en su cuarto: al cuadro de los tres ositos sentaditos en sus sillas, a los relojes y a los calcetines, a los gatitos juguetones y a los lindos mitones. En este cuento clásico de la literatura infantil, adorado por generaciones de niños, la poesía que encierra su texto y la ternura de sus bellas ilustraciones con-vierten a éste en un libro ideal para culminar el día.

Age Range: 2 - 4 years

Lexile Measure: 360 (What's this?)

Board book: 32 pages

Publisher: HarperCollins Español (March 19, 2002)

Language: Spanish

ISBN-10: 0694016519

ISBN-13: 978-0694016518

Product Dimensions: 5.9 x 0.8 x 5 inches

Shipping Weight: 7.2 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (197 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #14,167 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #7 in Books > Libros en español > Literatura y ficción > Clásicos #13 in Books > Libros en español > Infantil y juvenil > Animales #14 in Books > Libros en español > Infantil y juvenil > Gente y Lugares

As American of Cuban descent, it is very important to me that my son learn Spanish. Teresa Mlawer did an excellent job with the translation. She was able to keep the spirit and flow of the original text, although she had to change a couple of things here and there and lose some of the rhyming, which is to be expected. It still has the same soothing musicality of the original, which makes it a great book to read aloud. I love reading this to my 8 month old son as part of our bedtime ritual. And no matter how fussy he's been before I start, he always settles down when he hears the first line.

I was so excited to find Goodnight Moon in Spanish, as the English version was a favorite of my siblings 20 years ago, and my 15 month old son today. We have dozens of Spanish translations of English books, some of which work better than others. I had hoped this one would at least be okay, but for me, it seems very awkward and loses the charm of the original; and my son will not listen to even a page read in Spanish.Others have commented that the book keeps the rhythm of the Spanish language, but I couldn't disagree more. I am hesitant to simply blame the translator--with such simple images, I think there is only so much a translator can do to preserve the feeling of the original, and perhaps this book just didn't lend itself. All the charming rhymes seem to be lost, without being replaced, and so the repetition that is so soothing, even to babies, just isn't there. In addition, the lines themselves feel so much longer in Spanish, as well, and my son, who adores the English, gets very impatient for the page to be turned.Let me just provide a couple examples. From the first page to the second:English: In the great green ROOM, there was a telephone, a red balLOON, and a picture of...the cow jumping over the MOON.Okay, maybe "room" is a stretch there, but there is a rhythm to that rhyme.Spanish: En la gran habitacion verde, hay un telefono, un globo rojo y un cuadro...de una vaquita que salta sobre la Luna.Some other pages are slightly better:English: 2 little kittens and a pair of mittensSpanish: Dos gatitos juguetones, dos caletines y dos mitonesBut followed by:English: ...comb and a BRUSH and a bowl full of MUSH, and a quiet old lady who was whispering HUSHSpanish: ...cepillo y un gran peine y papilla en un tazon, y una amable viejecita que teje muy calladita.So is there some rhythm in the Spanish translation? Sure. But does it even approximate the English? No, I don't think so. Of course translations are not going to be perfect, but we own many Spanish texts [translated from English] that are virtually as good as (or even occasionally better than) the original. The awkwardness of this translation seems to present a bad example of the beauty and flow of Spanish, and unless reading the English version is not a possibility, I really don't recommend this book in Spanish--especially not with a baby or toddler. An older, school age child who wants to learn the Spanish vocabulary would, I think, be much more likely to enjoy this book (thus the 2 stars instead of 1).Note for reference: Some board books we have enjoyed in Spanish include "Donde esta el ombliguito" by Karen Katz, and all the "Este no es mi..." books (Este no es mi dragon being a favorite among favorites, though, to be fair, some of the word choices are a bit odd, but that doesn't affect the overall flow of the book).

Es el favorito de mi hijo de 7 meses. Cuando le leo este libro, se sonrie y presta atencion a los objetos que le voy senalando y ecucha muy atento. En mi opinion, este libro lo deberian tener todos los ninos de edad pre-escolar.

I really loved the translation of this classic children's book and read it to my daughters often. The translator was able to capture the sense of the story and make it very readable and enjoyable in Spanish. An excellent goodnight story for anyone reading in Spanish to their little ones!

We own the English version of this book, so I thought I would buy the Spanish version to aid in my effort to raise my son to be bilingual.I was disappointed in two ways. First and most importantly, the Spanish translation doesn't exhibit the natural rhythm of the Spanish language. Secondly, in the Spanish translation, the illustrations are not all in color, the book is not hard cover, and the pages are of lower quality than the English original so it is likely to damage as my son grabs at them.

For those familiar with the English version, you will be very pleased with the Spanish version. It's soothing and flows easily from one page to the next. My 3 month old likes it a lot!

Es un libro muy simple que trasmite una magia y una calma especial. A mi hija le gusta mucho y a mi me encanta!.A veces luego de leerlo terminamos deseando "buenas noches" a cosas que se nos ocurren, muchas veces graciosas, con las cuales terminamos a las risas.Claro, en estos casos la calma no se cumple tanto..., pero nos divertimos mucho.

A mi hijo le encanto este libro. El lo lee y lo lee constantemente. Lo recomiendo a cualquier padre que quiera que su hijo practique la lectura y vaya adquiriendo a la vez el gusto por ella.

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