365 Crochet Stitches A Year Perpetual Calendar
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Now crocheters can access hundreds of unique stitches in a perpetual-calendar format! With a different crochet stitch for every day of the year, this clever calendar makes a valuable addition to any pattern collection. * Find step-by-step instructions for 365 crochet stitches, from easy to advanced * Each day spotlights a solid-colored swatch in a full-color, close-up photograph * A sturdy spiral binding keeps this perpetual calendar in tip-top shape, even through years of turning pages

Calendar: 400 pages

Publisher: Martingale and Company (November 1, 2007)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1564777340

ISBN-13: 978-1564777348

Product Dimensions: 8.2 x 7.4 x 1.3 inches

Shipping Weight: 2 pounds

Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (31 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #1,567,456 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #36 in Books > Calendars > Crafts #2631 in Books > Crafts, Hobbies & Home > Crafts & Hobbies > Needlecrafts & Textile Crafts > Crocheting

This fantastic calendar is full of stitch patterns, which you can use for any crochet project you desire..... afghans, scarves, hats, sweaters, etc. This calendar does NOT include projects, just stitches, but the possibilities are endless. Wouldn't it be fun to make a sampler afghan using a different stitch pattern for each block?Each day's entry is complete and does not run into multiple days. And there is one entry for each and every day of the year, including February 29th! Don't let the title of the calendar scare you off in a leap year.Because the calendar is a perpetual calendar, you will not find days of the week, nor will you find holidays listed, since many holidays move around from year to year. What you will find are holiday themed stitch patterns on certain days, such as Irish Fans for March 17th and Deck the Halls for December 25th. And you will also find a great photo of the stitch pattern. And being a perpetual calendar, you can start using it the day it arrives.Some stitch patterns are very classic looking and others are quite unique. Many stitch patterns employ familar stitches such as popcorns, shells, fans, front & back posts, V-stitches, picots, but they do so in a variety and clever ways. What a pleasure to look through 366 stitch patterns! And you gotta' love a calendar that includes a stitch pattern called Frisky Fans!ps 8/11/09 - Just uploaded a photo of a stitch I used...March 28th's Lovely Lace.

This perpetual calendar is just wonderful! Not only do you learn a new stitch everyday, but the directions in the front give you the numbers you need to start an entire project with this stitch. It tells how many chains to use for the repeat of the stitch and everything you need to crochet a sucessful project using the stitch. The paper is sturdy and it has a tent stand so it will stand up on its own. I have it right by my computer. I just love it!!

This is not one of those calendars that you use to jot down dental appointments or trips to the vet and then toss out at the end of the year. This is a calendar that you will keep forever, using again and again to keep your crochet skills really up-to-date!As I flipped through it, I dreamed of incorporating these new stitches (well, new to me...) into scarves, sweaters, hats, etc. Imagine the delightful challenge of producing a square of each stitch into an awesome afghan! I'm drooling at the possabilities...One of the best features of 365 Crochet Stitches a Year: Perpetual Calendar is its SPIRAL BINDING, insuring that you can easily reuse it for years to come.

Clear instructions and photos of a swatch for each stitch make this little gem useful for beginner's or experts. And since it's a perpetual calander, it's a bargin at this price.It's a little bigger than your typical desktop calendar but the stand up feature is fantastic. I love mine and happily give it the space it needs.

I'm giving it a 3star ... The calendar is wonderful, but what you sellers are doing is awful. Taking advantage of hard working people. Not sure what all you people are thinking ... trying to sell a used perpetual calendar for up to $900. The original issue was $24.99. Because of all of you trying to take overly gross advantage of us that would like it, I have recently contacted the publisher regarding a re-issue of it. I was informed today that if was brought up in their meeting and will possibly be out sometime in the near future for under $25. Shame on all of you!! It's not a "rare" edition or something that cannot be re-published ... so, I will await the new re-vised one to come out and you can all just sit on your expensive older issues.

Probably the "last" book you'll ever have to buy on crochet stitches ... OK, for the avid crochet enthusiast, there's always another crochet book to buy, but this calendar can keep anyone busy for a very long time. All stitch patterns have the multiples listed so they are easily adaptable to any project - from dishcloths to king-size afghans! Even if I'm not crocheting, I enjoy perusing the pages, seeing all the beautiful designs created with a hook and some fiber. A definite "must have" for any crochet aficionado's collection.

It is rare to find a stitch book or calendar with stitches that have not been repeated in several other places. The stitches here are different and the few I've tried look amazing and are fun to learn. The layout and size make it easy to read and follow.My only thought would be to have some background on the stitches. it would be cool to know where they originated.These ladies have created a wonderful addition to my crochet library. I just love it!

I Love this calendar and I bought one for my best friend and we plan on doing many of these stitches this year. I love the size 8"wide x 6"tall excluding the wire bound. It ison my desk and ready for the new year. Looking forward tonext years hopefully. GREAT job Jean & Rita. Marie Read in RI

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