Froggy Goes To Camp
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Froggy's off to camp! He packs a lot into one week: archery lessons, food fights, and scary stories around the campfire. But only Froggy could also manage to lose his trunks during swim class and overturn his kayak with the camp director in it. Froggy will keep his fans laughing with his latest antics.

Series: Froggy

Paperback: 32 pages

Publisher: Puffin Books; Reprint edition (April 15, 2010)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0142416045

ISBN-13: 978-0142416044

Product Dimensions: 8.9 x 0.1 x 7.1 inches

Shipping Weight: 4.8 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.1 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (25 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #58,274 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #57 in Books > Children's Books > Animals > Frogs & Toads #364 in Books > Children's Books > Sports & Outdoors #2651 in Books > Children's Books > Humor

Age Range: 3 - 5 years

Grade Level: Preschool - Kindergarten

I have been buying Froggy books for over 12 years. I gave my son's set to my neighbor and just bought him Froggy Goes to Hawaii and Froggy Goes to Camp. The stories are great, especially for boys. Most stories are written with girls in mind but Froggy is for both. The newer books are printed smaller than the originals, but the stories are great.

My 4 year old nephew loves the froggy series i bought this book to add to his ever growing collection of books, he has a total of 3 froggy books, which i bought for him, he loves the books and never tires of them, his little sister, 2 years old, also enjoys the books.The book is smaller than i thought it would be but thats okay the kids are happy with the books and they werent expensive!The froggy books are fun to read to kids, they arent boring and they have nice colorful pictures.

Children are sure to relate to Froggy's forgetfulness, impatience, and fears. His adventures are wonderful. The repetitive text and funny sounds will encourage readers who are sure to be attracted to the hilariously expressive illustrations. I love these books!!!

We own many Froggy books, but have read them all. My 3.5-year-old son loves them. This one is my least favorite, but perhaps it's because I think its subject matter is too young for him. I certainly do not want him learning the "Beans, beans the magical fruit--the more you eat the more you toot" ditty.

Froggy wakes up very excited to go to Camp Run-A-Muck, so much so he jumps on his bed and bumps his head. On the drive to Camp Froggy realizes he forgot his sleeping bag and then his swimsuit, each time his dad turning the car around to go back home. When he finally gets to Camp Run-A-Muck, Froggy remembers he doesn't know anyone, all of his excitement gone. On the first morning, Froggy is in charge of serving breakfast, only to accidentally drop eggs on the director (who is also his school principle). And even though he passed his swimming test, he shot the director with a bow during archery! On the second day he forgot to wear his swim trunks (wearing his underwear instead) and splashed the director. But in the end, now matter how many accidents Froggy had, his director and bunk mates all had fun, ending the trip around a camp fire.When kids arrive at camp for the first time, not knowing anyone or what to expect, many are nervous. These emotions tend to come out through accidents. Froggy is no exception to this. One of the great things about camp is that it is okay, and even expected, to mess up and make mistakes. Jonathan London shows these qualities of camp beautifully. No matter how many times Froggy messed up, shot or splashed his director, he was welcomed at the camp.Another fun aspect of this book are the sounds created by Jonathon London - "zap! zip! zoop! zup! zut! zut! zut!". You can't help but yell these out loud while reading them (and I am an adult, so just imagine how fun these would be for children!). Froggy Goes To Camp is a fun, enjoyable and exciting book for children to read in preparation about camp. It helps calm fears and worries that almost every child has.

Froggy's actions may not be the most admirable in this book although most of them are unintentional and certainly typical of many children at some point in their lives. I also think this book is a good lesson to parents that are maybe a little lax. If you are a Froggy fan then you will know that one of Froggy's favorite words in reply to his parents calling him is "Wha-a-a-a-t?" His parents never correct him for this and in this story as Froggy is going off to camp for the first time, although they ask him if he has everything he needs they do not check his bag themselves! DUH!One hour into the journey Froggy realizes that he has forgotten his sleeping bag so back home they go. Two hours later, he realizes that he has forgotten his bathing suit so back home they go! What parents in their right minds would turn back after two hours for a swim suit?! (I guess there are no malls/superstores in Froggy land!) Yes folks this is just a tongue in cheek story that needs to be read at a "base" level without reading too much into it. Enjoy it with your kids and laugh!Once at camp, Froggy is obviously nervous but his parents are firm that he stays and say their goodbyes. Froggy is rather dismayed when he learns that Mr. Mugwort, his school principal, is the camp director! It seems that Mr. Mugwort is going to get some payback though, even if it is totally unintentional! On kitchen patrol the first morning, Froggy accidentally drops eggs on Mr. Mugwort's head, then later when he is practicing his archery the arrow hits Mr. Mugwort's bottom! What else happens during the week? Does Froggy want to go home?Most of us have heard the rhyme, "Beans, beans, good for your heart. The more you eat, the more your fart." In this book, Froggy has learned a different rendition:"Beans, beans, the musical fruit, the more you eat, the more you toot!"As parents we know our kids will pick up sayings etc. if left in the company of other kids for long. This book is probably suitable for the older child who understands what going to camp is all about even if they have not yet had the experience.

Love this book for my students. Great illustrations and text. I do have to say I augmented it with the fantastic Audible narration. I also used props, such as a stuffed Froggy doll and a bow and arrow. I also scanned the book and displayed it on the interactive white board. It was a great lesson for my cognitive and sensory disabled students.

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