Age Range: 2 - 5 years
Series: A Boy, a Dog, and a Frog
Hardcover: 32 pages
Publisher: Dial Books (October 27, 2003)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0803728840
ISBN-13: 978-0803728844
Product Dimensions: 5.4 x 0.3 x 7.2 inches
Shipping Weight: 4.8 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 4.9 out of 5 stars See all reviews (30 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #45,094 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #47 in Books > Children's Books > Animals > Frogs & Toads #1197 in Books > Children's Books > Growing Up & Facts of Life > Friendship, Social Skills & School Life > Friendship #2246 in Books > Children's Books > Humor
As a mom of two emerging readers (one 3, one 5) I have done alot of research into how children learn to read and this summer I am in hot pursuit of books that will help them practice.One of the key skills that appears over and over in the literature is the ability to get 'clues' as to what is going on in the story from the pictures that accompany the text. This is one of the reasons I like this book. Without words, it allows my youngsters to practice their pre-reading skills of analyzing and interpreting what pictures mean.The other reason, of course, is that this book is simply delightful. The drawings are detailed and funny and they keep my children coming back for more. A cute addition for a family's bookshelves.[Don't forget to check out Tomie dePaola's wordless books as well.]Good Reading reference books: "Reading Magic" by Mem Fox; " Raising Lifelong Learners" by Lucy McCormick; and the comprehensive if more cumbersome, "Beginning to Read: Thinking and Learning about Print" by Marilyn Jager Adams.
The book is as enjoyable when you're 33 as when your 3. I was cleaning a closet and found my original version from '77 and had to sit down (or fall down laughing) to "read" it. The illustrations are definately worth more than a thousand words. Frog's good time is only deterred by the evil looks cast at him by the family. We've all been there. It is amazing the feeling that animation can evoke. "Oh to be that frog".....After enjoying it to the fullest I ordered it for all the kids on my Christmas list from 2 to 102 that I felt would appreciate it. And of course delivered them on time.
I love these books! They have no words, but the pictures are amazing, and you can tell the story from the pictures. We "read" these to my daughter when she was young, and she didn't realize until she was about 4 that there were no words.
This entire series of books is charming and fun. I "read" these many, many times with my sons when they were young and now I am buying them to "read" with grandson. I put read in quotes because the books don't have words. The stories are carried in the illustrations.
A book becomes a classic by the story it tells. However, this story does not necessarily have to include words to tell the story. In the picture book, Frog Goes to Dinner, Mercer Mayer tells a humorous, yet suspenseful tale of a young boy and his pet frog. From the very first page we see the little boy getting ready for a fancy dinner out with his family. His three pets, a dog, turtle, and a frog, watch him sadly because they know he is leaving. The next scene moves to the little boy saying goodbye to his pets, but one pet is missing... the frog. Suddenly you will feel a need to look for the frog, and if you look close enough you can see his little legs poking out of the boys dress coat pocket. Here the suspense begins! The evening starts fine, until frog decides to explore. Picture the fanciest restaurant you have ever seen. Now put a frog in the picture... the meal does not last long! I encourage you to explore this amazing and hilarious tale that comes in a small but loud package! Not only are the characters full of life, but are also drawn in black and white with great detail in clothing, expression, and action. What would you do if you saw a frog on your dinner plate?
This is an excellent book for teachers to have- can work with prediction (what will happen next?) and creative writing (older students may write their own "text" for the illustrations).Beautiful illustrations and very humorous!
I had this book growing up and loved it. I came on and found it for my kids. There are no words, so each time you can make up your own story/characters- kids love it, very engaging.Jill Cordoni
my kids loved these, now I'm buying them for my granddaughter - the illustrations, which are wonderful inspire children to tell the story, in their own words, as elaborate or simple as they want. As a librarian, a teacher, and now a grandmother, I'm delighted these are still in print to share with the next generation!
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