Froggy Goes To Bed
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It's time for bed! Not if Froggy has his way! Even after a long day of playing, Froggy's still not tired. His bath is ready, but first Froggy has to find his boat. And where are his pajamas? And how did his toothbrush get into the cookie jar? Oh, Frrooggyy! Now it's time to go to sleep, right? But Froggy can't sleep without a bedtime story! Join Froggy as he hops, flops, and zips from one familiar bedtime ritual to another.Illustrated by Frank Remkiewicz

Lexile Measure: 0130 (What's this?)

Series: Froggy

Paperback: 32 pages

Publisher: Puffin Books; Reprint edition (June 10, 2002)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0140566570

ISBN-13: 978-0140566574

Product Dimensions: 7.2 x 0.1 x 8.9 inches

Shipping Weight: 4.8 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 3.7 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (28 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #89,613 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #77 in Books > Children's Books > Animals > Frogs & Toads #428 in Books > Children's Books > Growing Up & Facts of Life > Family Life > Sleep #3532 in Books > Children's Books > Humor

Age Range: 3 - 5 years

Grade Level: Preschool - Kindergarten

The simple illustrations are nice and the text is quite readable. But...I am not at all sure I would want the kids reading this one on their own without discussion. The little froggy is indeed a typical kid with typical kid reactions. I found that be best use for this book was to discuss with the children just what it was the frog was doing and why it was so wrong and what some of the ramifications might be for his actions. As an example, I use the tooth brushing battle as a way of explaining just what could happen to teeth that were not brushed properly. All in all this was a okay book but the parent or teacher needs to monitor and discuss each situation.

It's the end of the day and Froggy is "too pooped to pop". But that doesn't stop him from prolonging his bedtime. He has to find his boat before his bubble bath, and then his pajamas, his toothbrush and his huggy. And before his mother can get him tucked in he needs a snack and a drink, the closet door has to be closed, the bedroom door opened just right and his nightlight turned to low. Poor mother frog is getting pretty tired herself, but Froggy insists on a story. As mother begins to read, she drops off to sleep and begins to snore. Only then does Froggy close his eyes and fall soundly asleep. Jonathan London has written a gentle, funny story of bedtime delayed, full of wonderful, expressive illustrations and silly sound effects, that will delight and amuse all pre-schoolers. And as they watch Froggy's staying-up antics, many will recognize a little of themselves in the story. This is a book that is sure to become a bedtime favorite and a nice addition to all of London's Froggy stories.

We love Froggy books. We have them all. However, I was surprised to see Froggy "back-talking" his mother and telling her what needed to be done before he'd actually go to sleep. Since we already had the book, I chose to use this to teach my daughter that Froggy is wrong to talk back to his mother. We talked about how long it was taking Froggy and how this was respecting his mother when she told him to go to sleep. Ok book but lessons are endless.

I bought this book for my 3 year old and I am returning it. Froggy's mother tells him it is time to go to bed and like most children, he resists and stalls. What I don't like about the book is the way the mother lets Froggy push her around. Froggy tells his mother that SHE has to close the closet, open the door a crack, and turn the night light down before HE will go to sleep. And the mother does as she is told. He then spills water on the floor and the mother cleans it up and then continues to do as Froggy demands.

I have to disagree with the reviewers who consider this a manual for bad behavior. Yeah, I'd never let my kid get away with the stuff Froggy seems to, but that's precisely why the kids find it funny! My almost-two-year-old gets a BIG kick out of saying "FFRRROOOGGGYY" along with me, and "I found it!" is a chorus of triumph. As for teaching the child delaying tactics, well, my son has been trying to find ways to prevent nite-nite from the time he was 18 months, up to and including playing itsy-bitsy spider in the dark... tactics that preceded his introduction to the Froggy series by several months... but I think he recognizes what's going on in Froggy and laughs at it, along with me, because he knows full well it won't work. He is WELL aware that the reading of Froggy books at night precedes lights out, and because he likes the books, has no objection. The child will take his or her cue from the parents' behavior, not from a book, and frankly, if your kid tries any of these tactics more than once, it ain't the book that's the problem.

We love books at our house. We check out about 10-20 new books every week from the library. I made the mistake of checking this one out. That was three weeks ago, and it has completely ruined our bedtime routine. My almost 3-year-old never had much trouble taking naps or going to sleep at night. But ever since we read this book, he has learned how to stall going to bed and yells quotes from the book such as "I'm hungry, I can't go to bed!" or "I need to brush my teeth again," etc, etc. I made the mistake of caving in to a few of his demands at first, like when he asked for a drink of water before bed (he got that idea from the book, too). Now he thinks he can get whatever he wants by yelling for it, and it's frustrating since we have a one-year-old sleeping in the room next to him, who wakes up whenever he yells. I can't imagine what could possess a person to write such a book for a toddler... obviously someone who doesn't understand children. Do yourself a favor and DO NOT buy this book!!!

Raising respectful children is a difficult task. Many parents try hard, and pray hard, to see that their children learn good manners and a good attitude. Those are some of my parenting goals.This is our first Froggy book - it was given to my daughter as a Christmas gift. It is certainly not a book I would have bought for her. Other reviewers have written about the disrespect the Froggy shows toward his mother - and it is prevalent in this story.The other concern I have with this story is the fact that it teaches children a number of diversions to use when they don't want to go to bed. I'm pretty sure that children will learn many of these on their own, but why read them this story and teach them to: hide their toothbrush in the cookie jar? to eat after brushing their teeth for the night? to demand so much from their mother before going to sleep?No! These are certainly not things I will intentionally teach my daughter.The story does beg one other question - Where is Froggy's father in all this?If you want to speed your child on his or her way to being ill mannered and disrespectful, this is the book for you.The only plus, in my opinion, is the artwork. The book is well illustrated.

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