Toot (Leslie Patricelli Board Books)
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A subject dear to children’s hearts is in the spotlight as Leslie Patricelli’s beloved baby character returns.Everybody does it: Kitty, Doggie, Daddy — even Mommy! And when Leslie Patricelli’s beloved bald baby does it while running, it sounds like a train. This frank and very funny look at a certain noisy body function is perfectly suited to the youngest of listeners, while their giggling older siblings will be happy to read it aloud.

Series: Leslie Patricelli board books

Board book: 24 pages

Publisher: Candlewick; Brdbk edition (March 11, 2014)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0763663212

ISBN-13: 978-0763663216

Product Dimensions: 7.1 x 0.5 x 7.1 inches

Shipping Weight: 10.6 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.9 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (481 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #2,766 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #9 in Books > Children's Books > Early Learning > Basic Concepts > Sounds #13 in Books > Children's Books > Early Learning > Basic Concepts > Sense & Sensation #206 in Books > Children's Books > Growing Up & Facts of Life > Family Life

Grade Level: Preschool and up

Like all of Patricelli's books, Toot is very cute.I think my dad was offended by it, but then I didn't buy it for him. If the word fart bothers you, don't buy the book. I wonder if will let me say fart in my review.It's pretty typical Patricelli fun, so if you are a fan you won't be disappointed.Fart, fart fart.

Cute book if your toddler thinks toots and farts are funny. You have to be willing to make the fart sound with your mouth to make it funny, though. I only gave it 4 stars because the gender stereotype kind of gets under my skin. Why are "mommy's toots quiet" but "daddy's toots loud"? Women aren't delicate little creatures with quiet, tiny toots--- we can fart loud with the rest of 'em! Just a pet peeve since it doesn't really make sense anyway.

My two year old LOVES this book (as do we!). It takes a "taboo" subject and brings humor to it! I teach kindergarten and while I do teach them to be scientists and understand farts are natural and that you ahoukdnt laugh when someone does it because it can emharass them. But there is something to be said for the knee jerk reaction young people have to the sound. My point being this book simply takes a natural humor kids have and poke light hearted fun to it. if you really want a laugh, read the one star reviews! What a hoot! What did you think you were buying when you purchased abook called "Toot?!"

My 7 month old loves this book. He tolerates reading time, but absolutely lights up for this book. We have a few other Leslie P books and I think the illustrations are adorable, but this one is by far our favorite."Toot toot toot! I'm a train!"

My daughter and I enjoy this book...her dad not so much. The pictures are cute and bright and this book makes me laugh. We've called my daughter toots since we was a newborn because...well...she toots a lot. That's the reason I bought this book. She just turned a year old and she seems to like the bright colors in this book and flips through the pages often on her own when she is playing. Glad I made the purchase.UPDATE 4/27/16: My daughter is 17 months old now and this is one of her go to books. She asks for it by saying, "Toot toot." We just got the Potty book in this series and while I also like that book...this one is definitely better in my opinion.

My 3 year old LOVES this book! It's very cute...only thing that would make it better (for me anyway) is at least mentioning "excuse me" :)

Guess what everyone toots and this book shows it! Mom, dads, and dogs too we all do; we do it while watching TV, in the tub, and while riding bikes! Some are loud, some are short but no matter what they are funny (unless you have no sense of humor). It's a very colorful book, which my 11 month loves, and says toot (along with other variations of fart words) which get him laughing hysterically. If you don't have a sense of humor or are offended by this very normal bodily function than stay away from this book. Everyone else this is a great book!And in case anyone is wondering FISH DO FART! I looked it up after reading this book :)

Ha, ha! Found this at the library and my husband and I laughed a lot. He and our 2 little boys (1 & 3) of course love all things of this nature so I have learned to also! So I went on and bought it for my crazy sister who shares my sense of humor. What can you say? Just a great, harmless book for kids or adults! Hey, if you are a young family you will get this humor, and if you want to make guests laugh then you could even make it a coffee table book! It's hilarious but clean because it's just blunt about something real and harmless. I've looked at other books from this series by this author, and I LOVE her ability to climb into a baby/young child's head! She just gets the adorable way they look at things better than almost anyone I know. I would buy more from the series (e.g., Tubby, Tickle) if we didn't have library access.

Toot (Leslie Patricelli board books) Toot Toot Beep Beep Toot Toot Zoom! Potty (Leslie Patricelli board books) Hair (Leslie Patricelli board books) No No Yes Yes (Leslie Patricelli board books) Yummy Yucky (Leslie Patricelli board books) Big Little (Leslie Patricelli board books) Baby Happy Baby Sad (Leslie Patricelli board books) Baby's Book Tower (Leslie Patricelli board books) Quiet Loud (Leslie Patricelli board books) Blankie (Leslie Patricelli board books) Higher! Higher! (Leslie Patricelli board books) Tickle (Leslie Patricelli board books) Boo! (Leslie Patricelli board books) Little Toot The Little Red Box of Bright and Early Board Books (Bright & Early Board Books(TM)) Tabbed Board Books: My First Trucks and Diggers: Let's Get Driving! (Tab Board Books) The Little Blue Box of Bright and Early Board Books by Dr. Seuss (Bright & Early Board Books(TM)) Tabbed Board Books: My First Colors: Let's Learn Them All! (Tab Board Books)