Tracks In The Snow
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Just outside my window,There are tracks in the snow.Who made the tracks? Where do they go?A little girl follows tracks outside her window after a fresh snowfall, only to realize that the tracks in the snow are her own from the day before―and that they lead her home. This diminutive and sweet picture book is as cozy as a cup of hot chocolate.Like Ezra Jack Keats' The Snowy Day, this lovely celebration of snow and winter is just right for the littlest readers.

Lexile Measure: 260 (What's this?)

Paperback: 32 pages

Publisher: Square Fish; Reprint edition (October 16, 2007)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0312371349

ISBN-13: 978-0312371340

Product Dimensions: 4.4 x 0.1 x 5.9 inches

Shipping Weight: 12 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.7 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (15 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #301,730 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #178 in Books > Children's Books > Early Learning > Basic Concepts > Seasons #472 in Books > Children's Books > Literature & Fiction > Poetry > Stories In Verse #526 in Books > Children's Books > Early Learning > Poetry

Age Range: 2 - 6 years

Grade Level: Preschool - 1

Reminiscent of A Snowy Day, an Asian American girl enjoys a day exploring nature in winter. Told in simple rhyme and illustrated with soft and fuzzy "prismacolors on Arches watercolor paper".

As I am always on the lookout for diverse books, I love this series. Yee's little girl is so curious and quirky. And I feel as if it perfectly captures how a child would go out and play and experience nature. My 3 year old loves Tracks in the Snow because while containing images and lessons about winter it also contains a "mystery" - who made the tracks in the snow? My daughter always points out that finding the mitten is like finding a clue. Fun book. We also own Yee's take on summer and would buy more from this author.

I love this sweet little book. My daughters loved it when they were younger, so I got it as part of a baby shower gift. I was disappointed it no longer came in hardback, but it's still a very nice rhythmic story with a cute ending.

Reviewed by Patty InglishThe front cover illustration of Tracks in the Snow shows a small child bundled up in the winter snowscape, with a friendly squirrel and blackbird in attendance and a small fox coming out of the evergreens to play. There are soft snow tracks all around, the kind made by tiny boots in a fresh soft, cottony snow that has fallen during a winter's day that is not too cold, but pleasant and invigorating.The child in the story goes outside with her animal friends and searches among fresh snow tracks for the maker of these footsteps. She wonders whom she will find at their end. The soft illustrations provide a comfortable setting for the story and a feeling of safety and happiness. Blackbird, squirrel and fox accompany her on her searching, but she simply cannot find the animal that has made those footprints in the fresh snow. Blackbird seems to coach her onward, and may be laughing a bit as well, with his upraised wings, like a cheerleader.The tiny girl does not find the maker of the tracks, but she does find a lost mitten that matches her own scarf. Blackbird accompanies her all the way home as a light snowfall begins and reaches the afternoon time of tea and cookies. Following the same tracks back to the house, the young girl finally realizes that it is she who made the tracks in yesterday's fresh snow.Young children will enjoy this tale of safe adventure and discovery on one's own, with animal companions and an afternoon snack at the end. Having a snack at the end of a quiet reading time of this story with a parent or older sibling would be a delightful touch.Armchair Interviews says: A story that gives children a feeling of safety.

A little girl goes out to play in the snow. She finds some tracks and wonders who made them. She decided to follow them but they only lead right back to her home! Do they belong to a duck? Or maybe a rabbit? Read this cute picture book to discover the mystery!The book has very simple text making it great to read aloud to small children.We would recommed this book. Babies and toddlers will love the rhymes and soft illustrations.

I bought this book because of a memory of making tracks in the snow with my own grandfather many years ago. My 2 kids (4 & 6) listened attentively and were in "suspense" until the end. They spontaneously repeated the recurring lines with me ("Tracks in the snow, Tracks in the snow, Where did they come from? Where do they go?") and were tickled by the ending (the girl realizes the tracks are her own). Very sweet, simple story. Recommended!

What a wonderful book! We picked this up at the local library and fell in love with the beautiful illustrations and sweet story. Perfect for all ages, but especially perfect for ages 1+. Looking forward to reading other books by Wong Herbert Yee!

Our family has enjoyed this book for several years. We first loaned it from the library and had to renew it twice. Winter was over when we finally bought a hard back copy through . We love the rhyme and the beautiful illustrations. Precious book.

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