Israel 2017 Square
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Israel Wall Calendar: Israel is home to various historical and sacred sites; sun-drenched beaches along the Mediterranean, the Dead Sea, Red Sea, and the Sea of Galilee; gorgeous mountains; and wondrous archaeological sites. Enjoy images of this beautiful country with the Israel square wall calendar. Includes a free download of the TravelDaysTM app for the smartphone and tablet, which grants access to the world's best destination photos and backgrounds, fun puzzles, and a calendar featuring picturesque places.

Calendar: 24 pages

Publisher: BrownTrout Publishers; Wal Mul edition (September 15, 2016)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1465083014

ISBN-13: 978-1465083012

Product Dimensions: 0.2 x 11.8 x 11.8 inches

Shipping Weight: 9.6 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 3.0 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (1 customer review)

Best Sellers Rank: #667,758 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #81 in Books > Travel > Middle East > Israel > General #185 in Books > Calendars > Foreign Language

All the pictures in that calendar seem to be museum pieces.... those are all 50 years old or even older than that. and I can testify 1st hand.... There may be a benefit to that SNAFU.... after using this as a calendar, through 2017, you would be able to keep the pictures in that calendar, as historical documents, as they may already be classified as such!

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