Series: Llama Llama
Hardcover: 40 pages
Publisher: Viking; 1st edition (May 5, 2005)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0670059838
ISBN-13: 978-0670059836
Product Dimensions: 10.4 x 0.4 x 10.5 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.1 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 4.7 out of 5 stars See all reviews (740 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #231 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #1 in Books > Children's Books > Animals > Mammals #3 in Books > Children's Books > Growing Up & Facts of Life > Family Life > Sleep #6 in Books > Children's Books > Growing Up & Facts of Life > Friendship, Social Skills & School Life > Emotions & Feelings
Age Range: 2 - 5 years
Grade Level: Preschool - Kindergarten
Wow, my Wife and I are loving this series of books and our 2yr old LOVES his llama books! We started with "Llama Llama Mad at Momma" because it was helpful in teaching our son how to behave and be helpful in public. We were a little apprehensive about "...Red Pajama" because some of the reviews seemed to indicate that Little Llama was simply being ignored while he was suffering some traumatic event alone in his room. NOT THE CASE! Basically, Little Llama is put to bed and doesn't fall immediately asleep, which is normal. Then Little Llama bored & alone decides he wants Momma and asks for some water, which is normal. Meanwhile, Momma is downstairs washing dishes and dealing with telemarketers, which is very normal. Then Little Llama decides that throwing a tantrum will accomplish his will and works himself into a panic, normal even for well behaved children. When Momma hears his cries she literally drops everything and comes bolting through the door to find her child in his own manufactured state of despair. The book ends with Momma clearly explaining that sometimes Momma is too busy to come right away but it doesn't mean that she isn't on her way or that she doesn't love him. What a great lesson for children! In the real world sometimes mom & dad are busy but trying. Sometimes mommy is on the potty and baby must wait. Sometimes daddy is watching football and... ok just kidding. Anyway, our son enjoys the rhymes and the amazing artwork, and we love that we can use it as a learning tool.
For those who rated this book with one star - I offer this rebuttal. The mother is aware the child would like a drink of water. She was going to finish a task and bring it up when she is interupted by a phone call. Seems like this might happen at my house. Until the child begins to make quite a fuss, she is not aware he is stressed. I will concede the admonishment may be a bit much, but I chose to focus on the comfort given at the end. The lesson being that just because Mom isn't right beside you doesn't mean she isn't close enough to protect you. My 20 month old son loves this book and we discuss why he might be afraid in the dark and if it is a rational fear and how to appropriately deal with those fears. As with any book, this book provides an opportunity to discuss with your child if the behavior of the characters is appropriate and solutions that may work better.
I certainly liked this one and the kids I read it to, like it too, which is actually a pretty good indorsement for a kids book. This book addresses the common fear so many young children have when their mom leaves the room at night (I had the same fear as the baby Llama when I was that age, years and years ago...some things never change). The story is done if an excellent rhyming fashion (and, no, my mid-west accent/twang does not interfere with the reading one bit) and the illustrations are great and eye catching. Like another reviewer, I love the facial expressions conveyed here. This is an excellent beginning reader and an excellent one to read at bed time with your child. Recommend this one highly.
I purchased this book sight unseen due to a recommendation from the Texas libraries (they have it on their list of recommended books for 2 year olds). My 28 month old daughter absolutely loves this book. She has me read it to her over and over and over again and has started chiming in with her own narration (e.g., "Mama's downstairs" and "Mama's on the phone" when she sees the pictures). The illustrations are great and I love the big text. I highly recommend this to anyone with children around age 2.
My son loves this book. Loves it. When we are not reading it it him, he pulls it out of his pile of books and opens to the same page several times daily: the page where poor little llama is most afraid (and my narration is most overwrought), and he laughs. As fellow Vermonters, we bought this book, finding it charming - well...that was before he was born (lets face it, we bought it for ourselves), and at a year old, it is the only book we find deposited in our laps over, and over, AND over again. A book that is both fun to read and hear - I buy this book for everyone who has (or is going to have) kids. It is a wonderful addition to any little one's library and esp. fantastic when you know this will not be a gift that everybody already has (10 copies of Goodnight Moon and Pat the Bunny, anyone?) and everybody enjoys. Because, after all, you have to read it 5 times a day too, right? Have some fun - buy this book.
Llama Llama Red PajamaDewdney’s first book of this series, “Llama Llama Red Pajama”, is a home run as far as picture books go. It’s a story parents and kids alike can relate to: Mama Llama says good night and puts Little Llama to bed and goes down stairs to clean up and take care of a few things. But Llama can’t sleep and needs her back. He worries and wimpers and hollers until he gets her back! The sing-songy rhyming in this book and the whining and yelling that the reader will have to do as Llama make this book one of the most fun to read. The accompanying artwork sets this book apart from the others you’ll see at the bookstore, as each page is its own picture painted on canvas, which you do not see often. Buy this book for the next birthday gift of any child you know. You can even buy a stuffed Llama to cuddle with as you read it! Read more at
Llama Llama Red Pajama Pajama Time! (Boynton on Board) Llama Llama Trick or Treat Llama Llama I Love You Llama Llama's Little Library Llama Llama Jingle Bells Llama Llama Misses Mama Llama Llama Mad at Mama Llama Llama Nighty-Night Llama Llama Time to Share Llama Llama and the Bully Goat Llama Llama Zippity-Zoom Llama Llama Holiday Drama Llama Llama Home with Mama Llama Llama Hoppity-Hop la llama llama rojo pijama (Spanish Edition) Llama Llama Sand and Sun Llama Llama Gram and Grandpa Llama Llama Wakey-Wake Red-eared Slider Turtle. Red-eared Slider Turtle Owners Manual. Red-eared Slider Turtle Pros and Cons, Care, Housing, Diet and Health.