Augustine The Farmers Boy Of Tagaste
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Augustine was sad; why was he beaten again today? He hated school even though he was always the first to finish his lesson. Playing and fighting he loved very much. Would this boy ever become a bishop?

Paperback: 93 pages

Publisher: Inheritance Pubn (June 1988)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0921100051

ISBN-13: 978-0921100058

Product Dimensions: 0.2 x 5.5 x 8.5 inches

Shipping Weight: 5.6 ounces

Average Customer Review: 3.0 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (4 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #350,627 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #118 in Books > Children's Books > Biographies > Religious #500 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > Biographies > Saints #3156 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > Catholicism

Overall, I think the book is a decent overview of Augustine's life. The author did take some liberties with historical fact, however. He also seems to have a very dim view of the Catholic faith. The most blatant remark comes at the end. On page 93 the author states, "We are grateful to the Lord for giving the church a man like Augustine. It is regrettable that after his death the church was corrupted and became Roman Catholic."This is one of the few children's books on Augustine, however, so it will probably be a source that will be used by many. As I said, overall the book is okay, but certainly a bit on the dry side. I would suggest that Catholic parents read the book out loud to their children instead of having them read it themselves, as there are many parts in the book that a parent might want to comment on.

This is a short, children's biography; I read the 93 pages in about an hour. The account begins in Augustine's childhood, and depicts his very wayward life. His mother, Monica, follows him throughout his years of wickedness with her love, prayers, and tears. It would be an encouraging story to mothers who see their children walking apart from the Lord. God does hear and answer prayer. The book includes his conversion and later service in the church, concluding with his passing from death into Life eternal.One chapter near the end of the book tells a legend of an angel, appearing as a young boy teaching a lesson to Augustine. THe bishop had been trying to understand with his mind Who God is, and the lesson was that our minds can not comprehend God in His fullness, and we must believe what we know. This is not presented as fact, but is called a legend in the book.I think the book is an excellent introduction to Augustine, especially for younger children. It's an easy read for those who want to know about Augustine, but don't have the time to go through "Confessions" or "City of God."

I was amazed to read this biography of Augustine. This biography tells the sordid life of Augustine. Like the prodigal son, he made devastating choices in his life that grieved his parents and family. A breakdown under a fig tree brought Augustine to the end of himself and to the transforming power of Christ. Augustine became one of the greatest among the Church Fathers, combatting false teachings. His work to return the church to the Bible as the infallible Word of God was continued centuries later by Martin Luther.The story itself is powerful, however the book is written in a straight-foward approach that is a little boring for the younger reader. It openly discusses points of immorality in Augustine's life that a parent would need to handle together with younger readers.

This book takes time to slam the Catholic Church and seems to be it's main aim. Augustine did not revive the Church back to the word of God. If you know your history, the Bible was not compiled in it's first version until late 390 AD. Augustine only lived 30 more years past this, there were no printing presses and back then, it took over 3 years wages just to purchase your own Bible. How many Bible's would be in the world today if each copy cost $120,000 (using $40k as an average, which might be low) Augustine was ordained a Catholic Priest and become a Bishop of the Catholic Church. His mother sought the help of a Bishop who later baptized, confirmed and gave Holy Orders to Augustine. All facts this books seems to 'forget' to mention. Augustine was a strong, leader in the early Christian Church, which was was the Catholic Church. Don't be fooled, get yourself another book. Having read much about St. Augustine, this book has some accuracy but much is left out to cloud the real story. It's too bad us Christians must fight and twist the truth to benefit our own point of view.

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