Martin Luther: A Man Who Changed The World
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A 2005 Gold Medallion finalist! Martin Luther served as a catalyst of the Protestant Reformation in sixteenth-century Europe. This book teaches children about his fascinating life, influence, and teaching while encouraging them to see how God uses them in His kingdom today. Children learn the historic background to a significant time in the church. They discover that, like Martin Luther, they can learn about the reality of Christs life and death on their behalf, His grace and mercy, and His desire for them as baptized, redeemed children of God.

Hardcover: 32 pages

Publisher: Concordia Publishing; 1st edition (July 31, 2004)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0758606265

ISBN-13: 978-0758606266

Product Dimensions: 11.3 x 0.4 x 10.2 inches

Shipping Weight: 15.2 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (38 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #64,575 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #17 in Books > Children's Books > Biographies > Religious #33 in Books > Children's Books > Education & Reference > History > Europe #159 in Books > Children's Books > Biographies > Historical

Age Range: 4 - 8 years

Grade Level: Preschool - 3

Beautiful picture book highlighting the important events in Luther's life, and why the Reformation was the result. Great resource for introducing the subject to kids, but would disagree with the recommended age -- the vocabulary used and Luther's belief in the concept of grace (a person can't "earn" their way to heaven) a bit over the head of younger kids (4-6), altho they still will pick up on basic story. My experience with reading this to kids is that even those a bit older (8-10) will enjoy, and probably come away with a better grasp of the importance of Luther's life and teachings. I like that the author also touches on the fact that for all Luther's greatness, a few of his opinions (I believe much later in his life) weren't necessarily favorable -- allowing you to respect his genius without making him a "saint". Not at all "preachy" -- just a good overview of the story and Luther's beliefs. A book all Lutherans should read, but also important and interesting to those of other denominatons or just interested in history, as Luther's ideas ended up having an effect on many aspects of society (education, politics, banking, etc. -- you'll have to go beyond this book to discover why) which benefit us still today.

Paul Maier presents an accessible tribute to Martin Luther, the brilliant and charismatic leader who sparked the Protestant Reformation. This biography, geared to an elementary and upper-elementary audience, focuses not so much on Luther's theology as on his personal faith, his experience of grace and his opposition to certain Catholic teachings. The story, although even-handed, is told from a Protestant perspective, emphasizing Luther's positive qualities and accomplishments, while leaving out all of his faults.One might wish the author had explicitly laid out a summary of the Five Solas of the Reformation, but his emphasis on the man's personal story is probably appropriate for a young audience who may not be able to grasp doctrinal distinctions, but who can appreciate his influence on the present church. The book concludes with a statement that Luther's greatest gift of all was to find in God's Word the answer to the question that had tormented him as a monk: "What must I do to win God's forgiveness for my sins?" The Bible showed him that God had already done it all for him by sending Christ, whose suffering and death paid the penalty for sin and whose resurrection would be shared by all who had faith in Him.Luther's great accomplishment, says Maier, is that he changed the way many Christians understand the Gospel as revealed through Scripture.While Maier's text is readable and interesting, it is nearly overshadowed by Copeland's arresting paintings, which give Luther a compelling, fire-eaten look. His scene of Luther on the road to Wartburg, especially, evokes a mysterious medieval mood somehow reminiscent of Robin Hood -- Luther hardly appears to be the stodgy theologian he might otherwise be to a young child.One hindrance to reading aloud is that the text contains several German personal- and place-names, without a pronunciation guide. Below is my best approximation of pronunciation, with some help from my German-speaking friend Karl-Dieter Crisman.Eisleben - Ice-LAY-benMagdeburg - MAHG-deh-burgEisenach - EYE-zuh-nach (ch something like Scottich loch)Erfurt - ER-foortSHTOW-pits (like an owie, not a towtruck)Tetzel - TET-sulCajetan - KADZH-uh-tuhnLIE-psig (like telling a lie)Wartburg - VART-burgMelanchthon - Meh-LANK-tohn

I came across this book while looking for other homeschooling books here at . Well, I ordered it and was extremely pleased! At you couldn't look through it like other books on-line so I took a chance and bought it. So glad I did. It almost brought tears to my eyes while reading it...knowing the strong, resolute faith Luther exhibited during a time when execution by the church was not an unknown practice. Truly a man of God who stood steadfast and unwavering in his beliefs and helped turn the tide against the church practices of his time. A great read and highly recommended.

Paul L. Maier is Professor of Ancient History at Western Michigan University. His areas of research include manuscript and text analysis, archaeology, and the comparison of secular and sacred sources from the first century A.D. Dr. Maier also serves as the second vice-president of the Lutheran Church -Missouri Synod. Two of his more recent publications are More Than a Skeleton (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, 2003) and (with H. Hanegraaff), The Davinci Code-Fact or Fiction? (Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale, 2004). A forthcoming work is titled: The Real Story of the Flood, which is scheduled to be released by Concordia Publishing House in July 2008.This short book tells the story of the adult life of the great reformer Martin Luther. It touches on many of the key events that shaped his life and religious convictions. (i.e. encounter on the road to Erfurt, challenges as a monk, the after of effects of the 95 theses, etc.) While, this is categorized as a children's book, it will be enjoyable to adults and children alike. The writing of Dr. Maier and the beautiful illustrations of Greg Copeland make this book a joy to read and look at. Maier does a great job of expressing the challenges Luther faced in trying to come to terms with salvation as expressed by scripture versus the teachings of the church of his day. The reader will get a sense of the great courage it must have taken for Luther to face the huge obstacles that were constantly before him. I would highly recommend this book to anybody wishing to introduce their family to the life of Martin Luther and the reformation. If you appreciate this work, I would also commend several other illustrated children's books by Dr. Maier:* The Very First Christmas (St. Louis, MO: Concordia Publishing House, 1998)* The Very First Easter (St. Louis, MO: Concordia Publishing House, 1999)* The Very First Christians (St. Louis, MO: Concordia Publishing House, 2001)* The Real Story of the Flood (St. Louis, MO: Concordia Publishing House, 2008)

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