The Way Cool License Plate Book
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Everywhere you go you see vanity plates. The best of them are those that make you think and then reward you with a good laugh. Now there is a book that captures all the fun and excitement of vanity plates from across North America. Inside The Way Cool License Plate Book you'll find plates that show how their owners feel about the cars they drive (or wish they drove!), the work they do, the sports they play and the dreams they have. This book is the perfect companion for any vacation or road trip. Parents will be happy knowing that the games in this book strengthen math and reading skills as well as provide hours of fun. Kids will enjoy spotting plates from across the country and reading the hundreds of vanity plates inside. Categories of vanity plates include: Cars The work we do Sports Animals Places Music PL8 fun and there are 8 pages of games for car trips.

Hardcover: 64 pages

Publisher: Firefly Books (September 7, 2002)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1552976866

ISBN-13: 978-1552976869

Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 0.2 x 11 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.1 pounds

Average Customer Review: 4.0 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (4 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #5,413,202 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #31 in Books > Children's Books > Activities, Crafts & Games > Games > Travel #1618 in Books > Travel > Specialty Travel > Family Travel #3041 in Books > Parenting & Relationships > Family Activities

Age Range: 6 - 8 years

Grade Level: 1 - 3

In this travel book for kids stuck in the back of the car without modern conveniences like DVD players, Leonard Wise does for the license plate what Aristotle did for all types of human knowledge in his day, to wit, provides a detailed taxonomy (okay, he classifies them into discrete categories, but I am trying to go with the flow here and also be way cool). "The Way Cool License Plate Book" contains both a brief history of the license plate, which began as simply the initials of the owner of the car, and a list of games for everyone from kids for cannot yet read to those who read Aristotle in the original Greek. But most of this book is devoted to vanity plate categories, with dozens of examples of real license plates: occupations (K9TUTR, ISU4U, TV NUS), animals (2NAFISH, MEOW, EEGL), car terms (THEJAG, FASTNUF, EAT DUST), exclamations (OIMSOL8, CHILOUT, CYAH), sports terms (1STBASE, RDWINGZ, 4MULA1), and sayings (NOSMOX, 2 DY4, H82BL8). These examples indicate the wide range of what you will find in these pages and the general rules for license plate shorthand, which can help inspire you to come up with your own vanity plate for some where down the road. I have never had a vanity plate, mainly because I could never really come up with anything prefect enough; but my mother has had MOMSCAR for years. Some of these examples are totally obvious (YANKEES, ADIOS, MS PIGGY), but others require to wrap your warped brain around them (XCAV8R, IW84NO1, FNOMNL). Likewise, the games go from beginner to challenge level. As you go through the hundreds of way cool license plates there are also dozens of plate facts (first state to have license plates, last state to have license plates, etc.).

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