How To Write Your Life Story
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Lies About Writing Your Life StoryYou have to be a famous celebrity.You must have an amazing life.You can't write your life story until you're old and gray.Nobody will read it, so what's the point?

Lexile Measure: 940L (What's this?)

Paperback: 102 pages

Publisher: HarperCollins; unknown edition (June 26, 2007)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0060507691

ISBN-13: 978-0060507695

Product Dimensions: 6.8 x 5.1 x 0.3 inches

Shipping Weight: 4 ounces

Average Customer Review: 4.3 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (21 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #528,689 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #178 in Books > Children's Books > Biographies > Literary #248 in Books > Children's Books > Education & Reference > Reading & Writing > Composition & Creative Writing #3298 in Books > Children's Books > Growing Up & Facts of Life > Friendship, Social Skills & School Life > School

Excellent resource written for young students. I teach fifth graders and read to them regularly from Fletcher's other books... A Writer's Notebook in particular. How To Write Your Life Story brings the task of memoir to their fingertips -- makes it feel doable, important, and exciting. Fletcher cites two of my favorite authors of other resources: Katherine Bomer and Barry Lane, whom my students know well by the time we finish our inquiry into memoir. Many examples of writing from Fletcher, and other 4 - 7 grade students enrich this book and bring it home. Great for read aloud, introducing mini-lessons, or even as a class reading book if you can swing a whole set. Any teacher who investigates memoir or autobiography with young students should have this book in the classroom.

"How to Write your Life Story," by Ralph Fletcher, presents an interesting and entertaining introduction to writing about the most important people in the world--yourself and your family. You can get additional ideas from larger books, but this little book, written for young people, covers the most important points about writing an autobiography.It debunks a few common lies that people use to convince themselves they don't have a story worth telling--that you have to be a famous celebrity, have an amazing life, or be old and gray.You already have everything you need to start writing: a character (yourself), a setting (places you have been), and a plot (the events that happened to you). Fletcher recommends making a list of memorable events and then writing about the ones that seem most interesting. These events will probably be the ones that are told and retold every time the family gets together.He suggests gathering up the artifacts that have soaked up your personal memories and holding them in your hands until the memory rises to the top. Drawing maps of important places in your life, and a heart map of the things that really matter to you, will help you uncover the treasured and terrible tales you want to tell. Whether you choose to write a group of vignettes, a chronology, or a multi-genre collection of short pieces, you can always switch to another form until it feels well-suited to the story you're trying to tell. The most important message in the book is that writing about your life will help you understand it better. So, read the book and start writing.

Family history, personal history, & oral histories – are all important things. In fact, Family History has become the fastest growing hobby in the United States. People want to know where they come from, and they want their kids to know where they come from. It is important to identify who in your family has the knowledge and the stories that will make up your history. The book helps in so many ways as you start your journey into finding out exactly who you are, where you came from, who you came from and documenting it. Read the book for ideas then get started! You may find that chronicling your life helps give more meaning to it.

I bought this to give to a gifted 8 year old. When previewing the book I was surprised by the chapter on dealing with the hard stuff. I was expecting death in the family, etc. This is the passage the author shared that he had written:"...Larry was helping his cousin Owen tune up his car.....when all of a sudden the flywheel spun off and cut Owen's head open. Blood gushed out everywhere.... Owen died"Perhaps it was written for an older group, but the picture on the front makes it seem like it is for children. I just wanted to forewarn anyone giving this as a gift to a younger child. I don't feel that I can give this now because of a few pages that seem too disturbing for children.

I have read several Ralph Fletcher's books in the past. When I thought my teaching days were over, I left those books behind for the next teacher to enjoy and use. Then I was called back into the profession, and needed to renew my license. I am taking a course on writing family history, and chose How to Write Your Life Story. I am so glad I did. As with his other books, Fletcher inspired me with new ideas for topics on which to write. Through great suggestions and interviews with other well-known authors, I feel ready to complete the task before me--writing my story through fresh eyes. Thank You for this book.

I was told to purchase this book for an English Education class in "The Teaching of Writing" in college. I love this little book! It's very simple and would recommend my high school students to read it before any personal writing they complete. The book was shipped quickly and I was definitely pleased with the easy-to-understand format.

An easy to read, practical book that would not overwhelm adolescents or adult writers who are looking for a way to start writing their autobiography. Excellent also for teachers who need a concise guide in helping their students with an autobiographical assignment. This little book of Fletchers can be read in one sitting, but it is loaded with ideas that make you believe that you can actually do this!

Again, continually impressed with Ralph Fletcher's work! This is so great for mini lessons, especially if you are teaching a unit on memoir. Works for a read aloud... then I model my own response to each mini lesson and have kids practice. Kid and teacher friendly, I am using with 5th graders.

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