Mind Benders Book 1 (Grades PreK-K)
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Mind Benders, our best-selling deductive thinking puzzles, develop the logic, reading comprehension, and mental organization skills vital to achieving higher grades and top test scores in all subjects. They're also great for developing real-life, problem solving skills.Students carefully analyze each Mind Benders story and its clues, identifying logical associations between people, places, and things. The key is to start with the most obvious associations, then deduce less obvious associations until everything finally fits together.

Series: Mind Benders (Book 1)

Paperback: 56 pages

Publisher: The Critical Thinking Co. (2011)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0894558722

ISBN-13: 978-0894558726

Product Dimensions: 0.2 x 8.5 x 11 inches

Shipping Weight: 4.8 ounces

Average Customer Review: 4.6 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (16 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #62,908 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #86 in Books > Children's Books > Activities, Crafts & Games > Games > Puzzles #1336 in Books > Children's Books > Activities, Crafts & Games > Activity Books

I ordered some analogy and logic books for my kids, ages 6-13. This is my favorite that I have received so far. It is exactly what I was looking for. This actually shows the youngest kids how to solve logic problems, using a graph to fill in with Yes or No based on the clues. (For example, 3 people have 3 pets and you get two clues to figure out which person owns which pet.) The book is labeled level PreK-K. I ordered the first book to use with my 8- and 6-year-old boys. I would say that the level rating is about right---it is too easy for my second grader and about right/almost easy for my kindergartener. It is not too babyish for my second grader, though. He really liked doing the puzzles and said that it was just like what he was doing at school. It's a great intro to logic. You can see a sample from this book at The Critical Learning Co. LOVE it, and can't wait to get the next books.

I got this book for my 4.5 year old daughter and she enjoyed completing the exercises. She was easily able to complete all the 3x3 matrix exercises.I would recommend this book to teach young children problem solving and logic skills.The only think I did not like is how you had to mark Y and N in the results matrix. My daughter would just draw lines to match the results. I would prefer the results layout to be more like a matching then matrix. There is no way a 4 year old can understand to put her results in a matrix form.

I bought this for my 8-year old son who wanted a logic book like his older brother. I chose this book so that it would be very easy for him. He did about 10 pages the first day and loved it. When he completes it I'll buy the next book and ease him into the rest of the series. Very happy with our purchase.

The first few were good but very rapidly gets into math concepts achild would not know in kindergarten or probably until 2nd grade. I love the idea of it but it is unfortunate to neex such high level math skills to solve the puzzle

I think this book will be fun to work through with my kindergarten- aged granddaughter. It will be a good introduction to a new way of thinking and problem-solving. Will update as needed when work starts.

I bought the newer version of this book for my boys (3,5,7). The five year old loves them, and can easily fill out the matrix correctly, my 7 year old is flying through the book, doing 10+ puzzles per setting. The 3 year old is not quite ready for it, but is eager to try since his older brothers are having so much fun with it. The puzzles progress in difficulty throughout the book. I just ordered the more difficult books (6-8) for myself, I have to keep my mind sharp to keep up with these kids!

My kindergarten aged son loves doing these puzzles. We have done the first 20 and they are a bit on the easy side for him but they gradually become more difficult as you work your way through the book.

My daughter LOVES doing these. I need bigger books though because she finished the first one in a week. I guess I need to buy some more!

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