Mind Benders Book 2 (Grades 1-2)
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Mind Benders, our best-selling deductive thinking puzzles, develop the logic, reading comprehension, and mental organization skills vital to achieving higher grades and top test scores in all subjects. They’re also great for developing real-life, problem solving skills.Students carefully analyze each Mind Benders story and its clues, identifying logical associations between people, places, and things. The key is to start with the most obvious associations, then deduce less obvious associations until everything finally fits together.

Series: Mind Benders (Book 2)

Paperback: 60 pages

Publisher: The Critical Thinking Co. (2005)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0894558730

ISBN-13: 978-0894558733

Product Dimensions: 0.2 x 8.5 x 11 inches

Shipping Weight: 6.4 ounces

Average Customer Review: 4.6 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (24 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #42,003 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #58 in Books > Children's Books > Activities, Crafts & Games > Games > Puzzles #956 in Books > Children's Books > Activities, Crafts & Games > Activity Books

The book consists of 42 activities. They are presented in a square matrix with clues underneath. For example the easiest activity would consist of a 3x3 matrix with a picture of a family by each row, and various pets above each column. Underneath would be clues that a child would use to match the correct pet to the correct family member. Instructions and answer sheets are given. The book progresses from easy to harder, although it is still appropriate for the grade level (1st/2nd) indicated. It is a good introduction to logic and reasoning skills for children. It is the kind of book that is fun for kids to do in short doses, after a while the puzzles seem very similar, so you would not want to do it all in one sitting. I am happy with this purchase.

We've all seen those summer activity / fun books for $1. This is NOT that book. WOW, so impressed with the age appropriate thinking required to get through the mind benders. Recommended to us by a teacher. Great for a snow day!

A fun and age-appropriate introduction to some basic pre-logical concepts. I really recommend it. Two tiny misgivings to be aware of in advance:1. Be aware that a few of the exercises have unclear wording, and prepare to help a child through them.2. Name and hair length are used as clues to gender, which seems archaic to me and also makes it hard for some children to process.

My students just love Mind Benders books. I do use another one before this one for my first and second graders. It's called Primarily Logic. It leads them from analogies through syllogisms and makes the logic matrix puzzles easy for them to do and understand.

My first and second graders enjoy these logic puzzles. I often present 1-2 as a guided experience, then allow students to choose from among several for independent work.

Doing 2 pages a day, my son zooms through these books! Really enjoys the challenge and I enjoy the challenge when I make sure they are correct. They do have answers in the back in case we get stuck. My son is a rising 3rd grader but these should be doable for a 2nd grader. We got stuck on 1 puzzle which assumed prior knowledge of scoring in basketball. After I explained that by stating that the girl made the shot they were implying that she scored 2 points as that was the amount a shot is worth, he immediately asked me how some of the scores were odd numbers! Quick math thinking! Then I explained it can be 2 or 3 points. Other than that 1 example all of the problems were based on common knowledge (basketball scoring is probably common knowledge too and I am glad for the opportunity to have let him know so he won't get lost if the subject comes up with his friends).We homeschool and this was a fun break from other types of lessons that we do.

I purchased this book as a Christmas gift for my eight year old granddaughter. We worked through sixteen of the challenges that day! She loved it. I will be seeking the next step up soon. Product was in new condition and arrived timely.

The Critical Thinking Co is the best company for fun homeschooling workbooks! This book is no exception, it has fun puzzles and questions that can get your child thinking. A great addition for any curriculum. They are quick so you can even do a couple at lunch everyday - doesn't feel like "real" schoolwork.

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