Lexile Measure: 680L (What's this?)
Hardcover: 32 pages
Publisher: Charlesbridge (February 1, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1570917752
ISBN-13: 978-1570917752
Product Dimensions: 9.1 x 0.4 x 9.8 inches
Shipping Weight: 12.8 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars See all reviews (14 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #1,366,468 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #30 in Books > Children's Books > Arts, Music & Photography > Music > Instruments #124 in Books > Children's Books > Education & Reference > Math > Geometry #673 in Books > Children's Books > Education & Reference > History > Ancient
Age Range: 7 - 10 years
Grade Level: 3 - 5
This book is written in an interesting narrative, and couples the story with the math concept of ratio and proportion. Pythagoras gets distracted from his chores, as he works on how to construct musical instruments that will harmonize. The ending is very humorous! I had been searching for a book that addressed the topic of ratio, and this book serves the need well. A must add to a teacher's literacy library!
This story introduces your children to the ancient Greek philosopher-mathematician Pythagoras in a way that isn't such a yawner as they get in the blurb in their math textbook.But...The story has more to do with the ratios of musical tones in a chord, than with ratios in real life.In addition to this book, which will help your child remember the still-brilliant Pythagoras, try "Beanstalk: The Measure of a Giant" by Ann McCallum.
I'm a Devotee of Susan Wise Bauer and this was one of the many wonderful choices she recommends in her book The Well Trained Mind. I've read the Story Of The World by Bauer to my kindergartner and she has a huge thirst for history. Her first comment was, "Pythagoras? That name sounds Greek." I owe that kind of thought process to Susan Wise Bauer. I would encourage parents of young children not to underestimate the things that they can understand and remember. Be bold! Pass up the potato chip brain food that is Dora the Explorer and introduce your small children to history and science and art and math. You will be amazed and delighted by the pleasure they find in it when you make it regularly available to them. There is plenty in this book that my six-year-old doesn't quite grasp yet, but she is very keen on the story of a boy who appears about her age and is doing all sorts of interesting and clever things with math. Everything you introduce to your young child's brain is Velcro ready for more information to attach to it.
This is a cute, fun read. However, I did not like this book as much as What's Your Angle Pythagoras? That book did an excellent explaining how/why the Pythagorian Theorem works. I was expecting the same from this book. It semi explains what ratios are,but I felt the story lacked the mathematical explanation that was so prominent in the first book.
Pythagoras and the Ratios by Julie Ellis carries young mathematicians and musicians back to Ancient Greece where an ever-curious Pythagoras enjoys solving problems so much that he often forgets to finish his chores. Young Pythagoras helps his cousin Octavius tune his new pipes by comparing them to his own and realizing that because they are twice as wide, they also need to be twice as long. Using the same ratios, he ties rocks of varying weight to the lyres of Reyna and Amara so that all of the cousins can play their instruments together for the first time in history.The book is one of 19 in the Charlesbridge Math Adventures Series and does an excellent job of explaining the mathematical and musical principles of string and woodwind instruments. Ellis includes an historical note and some additional math and music explanations at the end to help the reader separate fact from fiction and make an "instrument" using six identical glasses containing various levels of water. Phyllis Hornung Peacock's warm cartoon illustrations, created in acrylic and water color pencil on cold-press watercolor paper, delightfully depict the general landscape and dress of Ancient Greece.Although the story and dialogue are entirely fictitious, the introduction of Pythagoras as a mathematician is sound. The in-depth explanation of ratios, including diagrams and charts that correspond directly with the story, crystallize the concepts simply for students in grades 3-6. Issues of responsibility and working cooperatively are nicely interwoven into the story, which ends on a humorous note. Ellis strikes a nice balance of fun and education in this charming picture book.Laurie A. GrayReprinted from the Christian Library Journal (Vol. XIV, No. 4, August 2010); used with permission.
Good way to add literary content to math...thinking of creating a reader's theater from it!The last page/inside back cover containing information about Pythagoras is a great starting point for a special project on the Old Greek (Math) Guys, too.
Um livrinho muito encantador. Ele ajuda a estabelecer relações entre a Aritmética e a Música (duas áreas da Matemática Antiga). E apresenta de modo simples o grande triunfo dos Pitagóricos que conseguiram modelar a harmonia musical por meio de relações numéricas... o que os levaria a acreditar que "Tudo É Número!".
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