Music Manuscript Wide Staff For Girls: Children's Blank Sheet Music Manuscript Paper Notebook For Young Musician, Songwriter, Composer, Or Musical ... Chord Notation Lesson Memo) (Volume 1)
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The only music manuscript book that inspires younger ladies to studying, and enjoying, the music! This very book, "Music Manuscript Wide Staff For Girls: Children's Blank Sheet Music Manuscript Paper Notebook For Young Musician, Songwriter, Composer, Or Musical Instrument Beginner Player. 6 Large Staves Per Page", is packed with these wonderful features: PERFECT FOR STUDIES: The personal table of contents on the first page makes it possible to track personal study progress and musical instrument practice of an individual student, no matter it is for musical instrument classes, self studies, or homeschooling. The table allows the teacher, and the students, see all contents at a glance, making it greatly easy to refer to earlier milestones, discuss the current, and prepare for the nexts. In addition, larger staff allows first learners to write and draw notes without trouble, and teachers to include notes on chords, music theory, explanations, necessary exercises, or home assignments, right on the pages! AMPLE SPACE: Nice wide spacing within and between staffs makes drawing the keys, notes, silence, and playing the music easier for younger folks or music beginners. It helps anyone with little experience with writing on the staff be able to draw their musical notations accurately. It is also great for leger lines, and for additional notes writing for discerning later. Moreover, the total number of page is as many as 108, which is enough to ensure a younger composer wouldn't run short of space, and muse, while going with the flow of music! TOUGH!: The book is manufactured with industry standard binding with spine, which makes the pages more easily to be turned, and, unlike ring binding, pages are less likely to be torn while opening or flipping through pages. Durable books keep invaluable and memorable works with a budding artist longer! STAY ORGANIZED: Unlike home printed looseleaf paper which tends to get tattered and misplaced, these books look neat by simply stacked on a table and look nicely on shelf, thanks to its spine which makes searching by scanning possible and matches with other neighboring books! PERFECT SIZE: At the size of 8.5" wide, 11" tall, and 0.2" thick, the book is large enough to delight any little musicians, contain all necessary space for note-taking, yet compact and lightweight enough to be carried along comfortably by simply tuck it into a backpack, a briefcase, or any musical instrument covers that fit the size of general A4 paper! INSPIRING: Young musicians always love to have her own book of her music. "Music Manuscript Wide Staff For Girls" has a place to fill owner's name on the front cover, plus the table of contents that allows her to develop a collection of her favorite songs as a personal songbook, and the hearteningly cute cartoon cover and opaque cartoon graphics inside invoke muses of a young lady's, always! BEST OF VALUE: All those, at the reasonable price! This "Music Manuscript Wide Staff For Girls" is the perfect combination that would sure to inspire the limitless creativity and enthusiasm of those little musicians and the newcomers to the world of music!

Series: Junior Chord Notation Lesson Memo

Paperback: 108 pages

Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform; Ntb edition (May 20, 2016)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1533358583

ISBN-13: 978-1533358585

Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 0.2 x 11 inches

Shipping Weight: 12 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: Be the first to review this item

Best Sellers Rank: #84,865 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #9 in Books > Children's Books > Arts, Music & Photography > Music > Instruction & Study #25883 in Books > Reference

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