Meet The Orchestra: A Guide To The Instruments Of The Orchestra Through Star Constellations And Greek Myths
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Includes a FREE music CD download (a $14.99 value). Discover the instruments of the orchestra, star constellations, and Greek myths in this unique book by award-winning composer Jonathan Peters. Included is a downloadable music CD which received a starred review from School Library Journal, and a downloadable teacher’s guide for optional classroom use. Children will enjoy hearing each instrument of the orchestra musically portray the Greek myths from many different star constellations, culminating in the finale “the night sky” performed by the entire orchestra. Read along or listen to the Greek myths as they are narrated on the downloadable CD. Following each myth are pages containing information on the instruments used to tell the story, and interesting facts about the constellations. Delight in over 70 full color images including: photographs of each instrument, illustrations of mythological characters, diagrams of star constellation with star names, and gorgeous pictures of outer space. Truly a beautiful book, appropriate for all ages!

Paperback: 62 pages

Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform; 1 edition (June 9, 2015)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1511986697

ISBN-13: 978-1511986694

Product Dimensions: 8 x 0.2 x 10 inches

Shipping Weight: 6.7 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (30 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #2,406,039 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #51 in Books > Children's Books > Arts, Music & Photography > Music > Instruments #775 in Books > Humor & Entertainment > Sheet Music & Scores > Instrumentation > Orchestra #939 in Books > Reference > Encyclopedias & Subject Guides > Mythology & Folklore

Meet the Orchestra is a unique blend of astronomy and music, and will greatly enhance anyone's study of either subject. Peters has composed beautiful music to showcase each particular instrument, while at the same time bringing to life the Greek myths on which the constellations are based. It is also a very good value, since a download of the music, complete with oral narration, is included with your purchase of the book.I ran across the CD of The Constellations at the library over a year ago. My kindergarten and preschool-aged children and I loved both the music and the stories. After listening to the CD several times they began to identify some of the instruments by sound, even in other pieces of music. Now that they also have access to this amazing book, they can see a beautiful photograph of each instrument, as well as a starry picture of the characters from each mythological story. The text is such that it can be read either as a simple story to please the younger children, while also containing more depth of information for older students. For example, not only is each constellation presented, but the major stars within each constellation are also named, along with an explanation of their location within the constellation. Instead of introducing the instruments by sections, the book presents them following the layout of the constellations in the night sky. Because of this order, the book is not just a list of instruments, nor is it a list of constellations, but rather it follows several mythological stories, adding to its interest level. It reads as much like a storybook as like a work of non-fiction. At the end of the book, the reader discovers why the constellations of the night sky and the instruments of the orchestra form the perfect pairing.

This is book is one of a kind. I read it to my four year old and she was interested through to the end. My ten year old has also read it and has especially enjoyed reading along with the music. But the first person to read it was me! I find the concept of the book fascinating, a marriage between the orchestra, mythology and astronomy. The music is wonderful, and it brings the book to life. It is an easy read, too, but is full of substance. I recommend it.

Beautifully illustrated and innovative approach melding art, science, myth, history and music in a fun, informative way. My son loves reading and hearing about Greek myths. He and I attentively listened to the music tracks--the gorgeous sounds and vivid drawings sparked our imagination and I can't wait to pull out our telescope out to find these treasures in the night sky with all of our children. It would make for an extraordinary astronomy lesson to have the music playing in the background as we watch the stars! I also learned new things about musical instruments, their history and their place in the orchestra. The Teacher's Guide contains helpful activities, resources, and discussion questions in the areas of music, astronomy and literature. This is a work with a lot of punch and the ability to impact learning in a magnificent way. It's a real gem for traditional as well as home educators.

Meet the Orchestra is a wonderful introduction to instruments of the Orchestra! I love how Jonathan ties the instruments to the constellations and Greek Mythology. Being able to hear each instrument as you are learning about them is truly enlightening. It is an easy read for any age. If you want to introduce your child to instruments that they may someday want to play in their school orchestra, this is the book for you! The book is beautifully illustrated and with the accompanying sound track delights both your visual and auditory senses. I’m no spring chicken, but I learned more about instruments than I ever learned in music class. I highly recommend this book!

This book is a great way for your child to learn about many things at once; music, the constellations, musical instruments and Greek mythology. Each of the descriptions of the constellations is instructive yet not so long as to lose the child's attention. The same can be said for the lovely musical pieces that accompany each constellation. The musical rendition of the constellation also demonstrates the musical instrument that represents the Greek gods and goddesses. The compositions in this form are memorable and will certainly acquaint the child to the sound of the highlighted instruments and how the instrument can express visual and verbal concepts. I would recommend all children read and listen to this book for some basic knowledge of the classics, astronomy and music.

What a creative idea! This was a very informative look at the orchestra instruments while also being able to learn a little greek mythology. The pictures of space showing the constellations were amazing! The musical score of each instrument was a neat way to hear the instrument itself as well as the whole orchestra together at the end. It's not just reading a book about the instruments but being able to hear them too! If you are interested in learning about instruments, you will enjoy this book! If you are interested in greek mythology and constellations, you will enjoy this book! And if you want to learn about both, you are in for a double treat!

My children and I have greatly enjoyed learning about, not only the orchestra, but the constellations and Greek and Roman mythology through Meet the Orchestra! The book has a very practical flow; in the stories of the Greek and Roman myths, to the constellations. The downloadable accompanying CD made the stories come alive in the music. We really used many senses and our imaginations while reading (and listening) to this book. It made us look forward to the night when we could go outside and search the sky for the constellations!It would make a great introduction to the orchestra for an elementary school's music education class, or to mythology for a middle school's medieval history class!

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